
SermonCollection details

Identifier (Code): 10
Title: Quadragesimale de penitentia
Authors: Roberto Caracciolo
Date of composition: 1470 (Approximate)
Place of composition: Italy
First edition: 10/1, Venice, Franz Renner, 1472 Exact
Number of editions: 28

Sermons of this collection (based on the year/place edition code)

CodeLiturgical dayThemaTopics
10/1/1  T16 Sunday Septuagesima Matthew 22:14 Good deeds
10/1/2  T16/2 Monday after Septuagesima Matthew 22:14 Good deeds
10/1/3  T16/3 Tuesday after Septuagesima Matthew 22:14 Obedience to God
10/1/4  T16/4 Wednesday after Septuagesima Song of songs 5:2 God's mercy
10/1/5  T16/5 Thursday after Septuagesima Song of songs 5:2 Pleasantness of redemption
10/1/6  T16/6 Friday after Septuagesima Song of songs 5:8 God's love
10/1/7  T16/Sab Saturday after Septuagesima Galatians 6:10 Penance, Deferment of penance
10/1/8  T17 Sunday Sexagesima Luke 8:11 God's word
10/1/9  T17/2 Monday after Sexagesima Luke 8:15 Listening God's word
10/1/10  T17/3 Tuesday after Sexagesima Matthew 16:27 Divine justice
10/1/11  T17/4 Wednesday after Sexagesima Matthew 16:27 Divine justice
10/1/12  T17/5 Thursday after Sexagesima Revelation 20:10 Damnation, Punishment of the damned
10/1/13  T17/6 Friday after Sexagesima Revelation 20:10 Punishment of the damned
10/1/14  T17/Sab Saturday after Sexagesima Revelation 20:10 Punishment of the damned
10/1/15  T18 Sunday Quinquagesima Luke 18:43 Power of God, Omnipotence of God
10/1/16  T18/2 Monday after Quinquagesima Luke 18:43 Fear of the Lord (timor Dei)
10/1/17  T18/3 Tuesday after Quinquagesima Joel 2:12 Fasting
10/1/18  T18/4 Ash Wednesday Matthew 6:20 Fasting
10/1/19  T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Matthew 8:5 Prayer
10/1/20  T18/6 Friday after Cinerum Matthew 5:44 Prayer
10/1/21  T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum Mark 6:48 Obstacles to prayer
10/1/22  T19 Sunday Invocavit (morning) 2 Chronicles 6:2 Use of time
10/1/23  T19 Sunday Invocavit (afternoon) Matthew 4:4 Human life
10/1/24  T19/2 Monday after Invocavit Matthew 25 Final judgment
10/1/25  T19/3 Tuesday after Invocavit Matthew 21:12 Final judgment
10/1/26  T19/4 Wednesday after Invocavit Matthew 12:41 Final judgment
10/1/27  T19/5 Thursday after Invocavit Matthew 15:23 Confession
10/1/28  T19/6 Friday after Invocavit John 5:7 Confession
10/1/29  T19/Sab Saturday after Invocavit Matthew 17:5 Confession
10/1/30  T20 Sunday Reminiscere (morning) 1 Thessalonians 4:3 Lust
10/1/31  T20 Sunday Reminiscere (afternoon) 1 Thessalonians 4:3 Adultery
10/1/32  T20/2 Monday after Reminiscere John 8:21 Sin
10/1/33  T20/3 Tuesday after Reminiscere Matthew 23:12 Pride
10/1/34  T20/4 Wednesday after Reminiscere Matthew 20:26 Ambition
10/1/35  T20/5 Thursday after Reminiscere Luke 16:19 Vainglory
10/1/36  T20/6 Friday after Reminiscere Matthew 21:43 Disobedience, Excommunication
10/1/37  T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere Luke 15:29 Contention
10/1/38  T21 Sunday Oculi (morning) Ephesians 5:6 God's wrath (ira Dei)
10/1/39  T21 Sunday Oculi (afternoon) Luke 11:17 Discord
10/1/40  T21/2 Monday after Oculi Luke 4:29 Riches
10/1/41  T21/3 Tuesday after Oculi Matthew 18:18 Simony
10/1/42  T21/4 Wednesday after Oculi Matthew 15:19 Sinful thought
10/1/43  T21/5 Thursday after Oculi Luke 4:39 Vow
10/1/44  T21/6 Friday after Oculi John 4:7 Almsgiving
10/1/45  T21/Sab Saturday after Oculi John 8:4 Adulation
10/1/46  T22 Sunday Laetare (morning) John 6:4 Sanctification of feasts
10/1/47  T22 Sunday Laetare (afternoon) John 6:11 Piety towards the dead
10/1/48  T22/2 Monday after Laetare John 2:24 Purgatory
10/1/49  T22/3 Tuesday after Laetare John 7:24 Temerarious judgment
10/1/50  T22/4 Wednesday after Laetare John 9:4 Indulgence
10/1/51  T22/5 Thursday after Laetare Luke 7:12 Widowhood
10/1/52  T22/6 Friday after Laetare John 11:27 Divinity of Christ
10/1/53  T22/Sab Saturday after Laetare John 8:12 Antichrist
10/1/54  T23 Sunday Judica (de Passione) - morning John 8:49 Honour your parents
10/1/55  T23 Sunday Judica (de Passione) - afternoon John 8:48 Cursing, Maledictiones
10/1/56  T23/2 Monday after Judica John 7:32 Envy
10/1/57  T23/3 Tuesday after Judica John 7:12 Slander (detractio)
10/1/58  T23/4 Wednesday after Judica John 10:26 Perjury
10/1/59  S28 Annunciation Luke 7:47 Mary Magdalene
10/1/60  T23/6 Friday after Judica John 11:53 Homicide
10/1/61  T23/Sab Saturday after Judica John 6:57 Eucharist
10/1/62  T24 Palm Sunday Matthew 21:5 Contempt of the world (Contemptus mundi)
10/1/63  T24/2 Monday after Palm Sunday Psalms 110:4 Eucharist
10/1/64  T24/3 Tuesday after Palm Sunday John 6:56 Eucharist
10/1/65  T24/4 Wednesday after Palm Sunday Luke 22:19 Eucharist
10/1/66  T25 Holy Thursday (in coena domini) John 13:15 Eucharist, Christ's teachings/"exempla Christi"
10/1/67  T25 Holy Thursday (in coena domini) Psalms 4:6 Mass
10/1/68  T25 Holy Thursday (in coena domini) John 13:10 baptism
10/1/69  T26 Good Friday Isaiah 53:4 Passion of Christ
10/1/70  T27 Holy Saturday John 19:31 Entombment of Jesus
10/1/71  T28 Easter Psalms 117:24 Resurrection
10/1/72  T28/2 Monday after Easter Luke 24:34 Resurrection
10/1/73  T28/3 Tuesday after Easter Luke 24:39 Resurrection

Manuscripts that contain this collection

See general notes

Printed editions that contain this collection

10/1 Venice Franz Renner 1472 Exact *
10/2 Venice Bartolomeo da Cremona 1472 Exact *
10/3 Venice Wendelin von Speyer 1472 Exact
10/4 Venice Franz Renner 1472 Exact *
10/5 Rome Conrad Sweynheym, Arnold Pannartz 1472 Exact
10/6 Cologne Ulrich Zel 1473 Exact *
10/7 Venice Wendelin von Speyer 1473 Exact *
10/8 Cologne Johann Koelhoff, the Elder 1473 Exact *
10/9 Strasbourg Georg Reyser 1473 Not After *
10/10 Basel Michael Wenssler, Bernhard Richel 1475 Exact *
10/11 Basel Michael Wenssler 1475 Not After *
10/12 Venice Johannes de Colonia, Johannes Manthen 1476 Exact *
10/13 Basel Berthold Ruppel 1477 Not After *
10/14 Naples Mathias Moravus 1479 Exact
10/15 Lyon Nicolaus Philippi, Marcus Reinhart 1479 Exact
10/16 Venice Franz Renner 1479 Exact *
10/17 Basel Michael Wenssler, Berthold Ruppel 1479 Not After *
10/18 Strasbourg Georg Husner 1479 Approximate *
10/19 Venice Octavianus Scotus 1482 Exact *
10/20 Strasbourg Martin Schott 1485 Exact *
10/21 Venice Gabriel de Grassis 1485 Not After *
10/22 Ulm Conrad Dinckmut 1486 Approximate *
10/23 Venice Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio 1490 Exact *
10/24 Venice Giorgio Arrivabene 1496 Exact *
10/25 Strasbourg Johannes (Reinhard) Grüninger 1497 Exact *
10/26 Lyon Johann Klein 1500 Exact *
10/27 Lyon Johann Klein 1503 Exact *
10/28 Lyon Johann Klein 1513 Exact *