
SermonCollection details

Identifier (Code): 14
Title: Opus sermonum quadragesimalium super epistolas et evangelia quadragesimalia
Authors: Jean Raulin
Date of composition: 1510 (Approximate)
Place of composition: France
First edition: None, Paris, Jean Petit, 1511 Exact
Number of editions: 9

Sermons of this collection (based on the year/place edition code)

(there are none)

Manuscripts that contain this collection

(there are none)

Printed editions that contain this collection

14/1 Paris Jean Petit 1511 Exact *
14/2 Paris Berthold Rembolt 1512 Exact *
14/3 Paris Jean Petit 1515 Exact
14/4 Paris Jean Petit 1518 Exact *
14/5 Lyon Jean Clein 1518 Exact
14/6 Paris Enguilbert de Marnef 1523 Exact *
14/7 Venice Giovanni Battista Somasco 1575 Exact
14/8 Venice Giovanni Battista Somasco 1585 Exact *
14/9 Antwerp Gaspar Bellerus 1612 Exact *