
SermonCollection details

Identifier (Code): 5
Title: Quadragesimale Gemma fidei
Authors: Osvât Laskai (Osvaldus de Lasko)
Date of composition: 1505 (Approximate)
Place of composition: Hungary
First edition: 5/1, Hagenau, Heinrich Gran, Johann Rynman de Oringaw, 1507 Exact
Number of editions: 1

Sermons of this collection (based on the year/place edition code)

CodeLiturgical dayThemaTopics
5/1/1  T16 Sunday Septuagesima Mark 16:15 Preaching
5/1/2  T16/2 Monday after Septuagesima Mark 16:15 Scripture, Primacy of the Gospel
5/1/3  T16/3 Tuesday after Septuagesima Mark 16:15 Preaching, Listeners, Fruits of listening, God's word
5/1/4  T16/4 Wednesday after Septuagesima Mark 16:16 Faith, Virtues
5/1/5  T16/5 Thursday after Septuagesima Mark 16:16 Faith, True faith
5/1/6  T16/6 Friday after Septuagesima Hebrews 11:1 Faith, Virtues
5/1/7  T16/Sab Saturday after Septuagesima Ephesians 4:5 Trinity
5/1/8  T17 Sunday Sexagesima Ephesians 4:5 Faith
5/1/9  T17/2 Monday after Sexagesima 2 Kings 5:10 Sacrament
5/1/10  T17/3 Tuesday after Sexagesima Hebrews 11:3 Creation, World government
5/1/11  T17/4 Wednesday after Sexagesima Galatians 3:26 Divinity of Christ, Humanity of Christ
5/1/12  T17/5 Thursday after Sexagesima Luke 1:31 Incarnation, Virgin Mary
5/1/13  T17/6 Friday after Sexagesima 1 Peter 4:1 Passion of Christ
5/1/14  T17/Sab Saturday after Sexagesima Sirach 24:45
5/1/15  T18 Sunday Quinquagesima Matthew 20:19 Resurrection of Christ
5/1/16  T18/2 Monday after Quinquagesima Mark 16:19 Ascension of Jesus
5/1/17  T18/3 Tuesday after Quinquagesima 2 Corinthians 5:10 Last Judgment
5/1/18  T18/4 Ash Wednesday John 4:24 Holy Spirit
5/1/19  T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Matthew 16:18 Church, Unity of the Church, Potestas
5/1/20  T18/6 Friday after Cinerum Luke 24:46 Forgiveness of sins
5/1/21  T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum Job 19:25 Resurrection
5/1/22  T19 Sunday Invocavit John 17:3 Eternal life
5/1/23  T19/2 Monday after Invocavit Matthew 25:41 Punishment of the damned
5/1/24  T19/3 Tuesday after Invocavit Matthew 7:19 Punishment of the damned, Hellfire
5/1/25  T19/4 Wednesday after Invocavit Hebrews 11:6 Faith, Faith necessity
5/1/26  T19/5 Thursday after Invocavit John 3:36 Damnation, Heretics, Infidels
5/1/27  T19/6 Friday after Invocavit 2 Peter 2:21 Heretics, Mistake
5/1/28  T19/Sab Saturday after Invocavit 1 Corinthians 5:6 Damnation, Greeks
5/1/29  T20 Sunday Reminiscere Matthew 13:24 Damnation, Mistake, Greeks
5/1/30  T20/2 Monday after Reminiscere Sirach 10:15 Greeks, Roman Church
5/1/31  T20/3 Tuesday after Reminiscere Revelation 13:11 Muslims, Muhammad, Islam
5/1/32  T20/4 Wednesday after Reminiscere Revelation 14:9 Muslims, Islam
5/1/33  T20/5 Thursday after Reminiscere Jeremiah 12:1 Turks, Muslims, History
5/1/34  T20/6 Friday after Reminiscere 2 Chronicles 15:3 Jews, Divinity of Christ
5/1/35  T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere Luke 24:44 Scripture, Jews, Christ as messiah
5/1/36  T21 Sunday Oculi Exodus 20:3 Idolatry
5/1/37  T21/2 Monday after Oculi Exodus 20:3 Superstitions, Magic
5/1/38  T21/3 Tuesday after Oculi Revelation 14:9 Vices, Capital vices
5/1/39  T21/4 Wednesday after Oculi Psalms 108:14 Jews, Christ's death, Punishment
5/1/40  T21/5 Thursday after Oculi Revelation 12:1 Faith
5/1/41  T21/6 Friday after Oculi Revelation 12:1 Faith
5/1/42  T21/Sab Saturday after Oculi Revelation 12:1 Faith
5/1/43  T22 Sunday Laetare 1 Corinthians 13:2 Faith, Faith necessity
5/1/44  T22/2 Monday after Laetare Psalms 33:4 Faith
5/1/45  T22/3 Tuesday after Laetare Luke 17:5 Faith, Faith increase
5/1/46  T22/4 Wednesday after Laetare Romans 10:10 Faith, Faith confession
5/1/47  T22/5 Thursday after Laetare Mark 5:5 Penance
5/1/48  T22/6 Friday after Laetare Matthew 3:2 Penance
5/1/49  T22/Sab Saturday after Laetare Matthew 3:2 Penance, Penance utility, Penance durability
5/1/50  T23 Sunday Judica (de Passione) Acts 15:9 Contrition
5/1/51  T23/2 Monday after Judica Acts 15:9 Contrition, Contrition utility
5/1/52  T23/3 Tuesday after Judica Joshua 7:19 Confession, Necessity of confession
5/1/53  T23/4 Wednesday after Judica Lamentations 2:19 Confession modality
5/1/54  T23/5 Thursday after Judica Sirach 22:28 Restitution
5/1/55  T23/6 Friday after Judica James 2:18 Satisfaction
5/1/56  T23/Sab Saturday after Judica Proverbs 15:27 Almsgiving
5/1/57  T24 Palm Sunday Sirach 49:12 Almsgiving
5/1/58  T24/2 Monday after Palm Sunday James 1:6 Prayer
5/1/59  T24/3 Tuesday after Palm Sunday Mark 11:24 Prayer
5/1/60  T24/4 Wednesday after Palm Sunday Habakkuk 2:4 Fasting
5/1/61  T25 Holy Thursday (in coena domini) John 6:35 Eucharist
5/1/62  T26 Good Friday Lamentations 1:12 Passion of Christ, Compassion
5/1/63  T27 In vigilia paschatis (Saturday before Easter) Matthew 27:59 Entombment of Jesus
5/1/64  T28 Easter Psalms 118:24 Resurrection of Christ
5/1/65  T28/2 Easter Monday Luke 24:25 Resurrection of humanity, Immortality of the soul
5/1/66  T28/3 Tuesday after Easter Luke 24:39 Soul (anima rationalis)
5/1/67  T28/4 Wednesday after Easter 1 John 5:4
5/1/68  T28/5 Thursday after Easter John 6:47 Beatitude
5/1/69  T28/6 Friday after Easter Tobit 2:18
5/1/70  T28/Sab Saturday after Easter Matthew 19:17
5/1/71  T29 Sunday in albis John 20:31 Faith, Preaching, Vision of God

Manuscripts that contain this collection

(there are none)

Printed editions that contain this collection

5/1 Hagenau Heinrich Gran, Johann Rynman de Oringaw 1507 Exact *