Code: | 1/12 |
Date: |
1484 Exact; 5.02.1484 (see colophon)
Place: | Strasbourg |
Publisher: | Printer of the 1483 Vitas patrum; Michael Wenssler |
Format: | 2° |
Folia: | 266 |
Number of sermons: | 50 |
External databases: | GW 11549 ISTC ig00500000 |
Sermon collection for this edition | Quadragesimale |
Front page: |
Prologue: |
Dedicatory letter: |
Table of contents: |
Alphabetical table of contents: "[O]peris egregii antra negligenter effigiati misertus collectoris..."
List of sermons: |
Other texts: |
Registrum de euangeliorum et epistolarum thematibus atque introductionibus tam dominicalium quam et festorum per anni circulum iuxta rubricam romanam. Et primo de dominicis secundo de festis incipit feliciter.
Images: |
Full title: |
Quadragesimale fratris Iohannis Gritsch ordinis fratrum minorum, doctoris eximii per totum temporis anni spacium deserviens cum thematum evangeliorum et epistolarum introductionibus et tabula peroptima. Incipit feliciter.
Colophon: |
Explicit quadragesimale doctoris Iohannis Gritsch de ordine minorum impressum anno salutis nostre MCCCCLXXXIIII in die sancte Agathe virginis et martiris.
Notes: |
This is the first edition with differences (see Delcorno 2016) - yet, the titles of the tabula and the registrum suggest that it knew one of the Koberger's editions.
GW and ISTC indicate that there are two different imprints of this edition (differences only in the Registrum?), and that it was printed both in Strasbourg and Basel
Location | Ownership |
Cologne, UStB, GBIV8162 | - |
Cordoba, Biblioteca Provincial, I-70 | - |
Düsseldorf, ULB, Pr.Th.I.308a | "Liber fratrum sancte Crucis in Duysseldorp" [XV century; on the blank title page] = Kreuzbrüder convent of Düsseldorf. The pergamen of the back cover repeates: "Iste liber pro fratribus sancte crucis in Duys." [XV century]. On the recto of the last page, a later hand [XVI-XVII century] repeats this ownership ("Fratrum Crucis---- Dusseldorp -----"), yet is parcially cancelled with ink. |