
Instruction details

Search sermon (divisions and summaries)
30/Jun/2021 07:47
14/Jul/2021 10:08

The main division, the summary, and the general notes of sermon can be searched going to "List" -> "Sermon" and selecting "Division and summary" from the "Search filters". This is meant as a more flexible research tool that the one provided by keywords (see Tools).

The default search function looks for any format of the selected term; searching for 'form' will (theoretically) yield 'form', 'reform', 'reforms', 'transformation', 'forma'.... So simple 'form' is now the same as that term with two wildcard (i.e. form = *form* with two wildcards, before and after it).
To restrict the search, use # to limit the search to one specific word and add * as a wildcard, this means:
form# => any place where the word 'form' occurs.
form#* => any place where the word 'form' + extensions of it ('format', 'forma', 'formation') occurs.
The use of only the * means that the research is no longer word based, the whole text (division, summary) must start with that term, which may be followed by anything else. For instance, searching for 'natural*' you will find the summary of a sermon starting with the worlds: Natural gold...
To search more words at the same time, the default search function looks for them as a sequence; searching for 'mortal sin' will give references to places in which the two words in this very sequence. To search more words in the same text in any sequence you need to add '#' to each word; searching for 'artificial# natural' will give references to texts that contain both of them, independently from their position (i.e. in sentences such as: Natural gold ≠ artificial gold).

Results are indicated in the column "Division/summary", indicating where in the entry of the sermon the term occurs, with the number of occurrences among brackets:
MD-O = Main division - Original (which usually is Latin)
MD-T = Main division - Translation
S = Summary
GN = General notes
Click on either the column "Division/summary' or 'Code' to enter the entry of the sermon and to look at the specific occurrence (you can use then CTRL+f to speed up the search).