Authors: | |
Collection: | Quadragesimale de penitentia |
Code: | 10/1/19 |
Liturgical day: | T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum |
Thema: |
Accessit ad eum centurio rogans eum (Matthew 8:5) |
Topics: | |
Concepts: |
Original: |
De usu et laudibus sanctissime orationis, contra eos qui dicunt non esse orandum neque pro bonis acquirendis, neque pro malis evitandis .
Quoniam autem apud aliquos incredulos et indevotos orationis usus vilis et inutilis reputatur, idcirco in presenti sermone de commendatione et laudibus orationis erimus tractaturi, ut sic omnis vere penitens audeat cum centurione clamare securius ad dominus Iesum Christum. Notabimus ergo tria per que principaliter ostendemus usum orationis commendabilem esse et in hac vita omnibus convenire.
Primum dicitur contrariorum debilitas: confutatio debilium rationum quas plerique adducere solent ad ostendendum quod sit superfluum orare.
Secundum dicitur sactorum dignitas, quod usus orationis conmendatur auctoritate et exemplo sanctorum Veteris et Novi Testamenti et precipue domini nostri Iesu Christi.
Tertium dicitur omnium indigentia, quod omnes indigent auxilio Dei ad acquirenda beatitudine, ad vitanda pericula et ad temporalia bona impetranda.
Translation: |
On the use and praise of holy prayer, against those who say that there is no need to pray, neither to acquire goods nor to avoid evils.
Since among some incredulous and unbelieving people the custom of prayer is considered worthless and useless, we shall in the present sermon deal with the recommendation and praise of prayer, so that every true penitent may dare to cry out more confidently to the Lord Jesus Christ, just as the centurion did. We shall therefore notice three arguments through which we will mainly show how the use of prayer is recommendable and how it is profitable for everyone in this life.
Firstly, the weakness of the opposing arguments: the confutation of the weak reasons that many usually bring forward to show how superfluous praying is.
Secondly, the dignity of the saints, since the use of prayers is recommended by the authority and example of the Old and New Testament saints and, above all, by our Lord Jesus Christ.
The third concerns everyone's needs, since everyone needs God's help to attain bliss, to avoid dangers, and to achieve temporal goods.