Authors: | |
Collection: | Quaresimale volgare |
Code: | 20/1/2 |
Liturgical day: | T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum |
Thema: |
Domine, puer meus iacet in domo paraliticus (Matthew 8:6) |
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Original: |
Meritatamente, adunque, la nostra anima, posta in Capharnaum - che vuol dire “confusione” - dimanada essere ammaestratta per qual virtù può l’omo empetrar gratia da Dio et adiutorio più cha per alcuna altra virtude. Responde Christo nostro maestro et primo theologo che iè una virtù chiamata “oratione” da li doctori. Dice ergo l’anima: “O tu predicatore fervente del divino verbo, tre dubii voglio da te hoggi essermi dichiarati:
1) Primo: che cossa è questa “oratione”;
2) Secundo: come la se debbe fare;
3) Tertio: quanta è la excellentia di essa.”
Translation: |
Rightly our soul, located in Capharnaum - which means “in a confused state” -, asks to be thought which virtue, more than any other, can allow one to obtain grace and help from God. Christ, our theacher and first theologian, replies that there is a virtue that doctors call “prayer”. So the soul says: “Oh preacher devoted to the divine word, today I want you to clarify three doubts for me:
1) Firstly: what is this “prayer”;
2) Secondly: how it should be done;
3) Thirdly: what is its excellence.
Parallel between illness and sin: the puer paraliticus is the sinful soul lying in domo, i.e. in the body, which is despicable as a worldly element; therefore the soul asks God for help, which one can obtain above all by praying.