Shared responsibility of Judas and the Jews in the death of Jesus («concurrebant isti, scilicet Judas vendendo et Iudei emendo»; f. v7v) and postillatio of Psalm 108, with the topos of the Jewish blindness as infidels and their (eternal) condemnation («non intrent in iusticia tua, deleantur de libro viventium»).
Divisio First part: beside emphatic passages that commemorate the Passion of Christ (e.g. «Impi vero iudei nedum illam divinam Christi personam vituperaverunt blasphemando, verumetiam ledendo, percutiendo, irridendo, accusando false et insuper occidi procurando. O peccatum grande. O peccatum enorme, delictum grave, percutere deum vivum, ligare, trahere, vituperare...»; f. v8v) but also the hypothesis of what would happen if Judas and the Jews did not betray Jesus: the preacher opts for the necessity of his death for the redemption (against those who state that Jesus’ readiness was enough) and imagine that Jesus would have asked Peter or even to the Virgin Mary to crucify him (in the latter case, as re-enactment of the sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac). [It’s a passage (f. x1r) – the same dramatic reasoning is used also on Good Friday (sermon 62)]. Continuing in the same emotional tone, the sermon quotes at length the impropreria of the Good Friday liturgy against the Jews’ ingratitude («O divinorum beneficiorum ingratissimi, vobis improperat omnis mundus, contra te clamat ecclesiasticus sacer chorus in persona Christi dicens: Popule meus quid feci tibi...», example of anti-Judaism rhetoric). Finally, the sermon discuss how Judas and the Jews sinned against the Holy Spirit, presenting the six type of sin against the Holy Spirit.
Second part: shorter than the first one; punishment of the Jews is triple: spiritual, judicial, corporal. The most interesting section is that about the «pena iudiciali», where the sermon quotes at length the legal norms (mainly from canon law) about the Jews. The part on the corporal pain first discusses Jesus’s prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem (Matthew 23 and Luke 19, on the basis of Nicholas of Lyra) and then it presents its events in detail on the basis of Flavius Josephus, before reasserting the rightness of this Divine punishment divine punishment: «Iuste ergo iuste deus illos exterminari permisisti» (f. x3v).
... sermon discuss how Judas and the Jews sinned against the
Holy Spirit
, presenting the six type of sin against the Holy Spirit...
T19/6 Friday after Invocavit
Vicent Ferrer
The first part concerns the probatic pool of Jerusalem, with the following subdivision to explain (queritur) three secrets (secreta) that explain its healing power.
a) virtus sancte crucis et passionis Ihesu Christi (the Passion and the legend about the Cross - Legenda crucis)
b) virtus baptisimi (baptism)
c) virtus confessionis (confession) (f. r2r)
The five porches of the pool symbolize five types of sin, namely: “cogitatio, locutio, operatio, omissio, obstinatio” (f. r2v) [note the resemblance with the Confiteor in the liturgy].
Second part
Why was only one healed among all the sick people present at the pool? He was the only with a good disposition, i.e. who had full confidence in Jesus. God's liberality did not lack, but the other people did not have the right disposition (classic exemplum: the sun is there, only if you open the window it can enter), for the same reason Jews, infidels and Saracens do not convert today, since they prefer to remian in the prison of Moses and Muhammad: “Ecce qua est ratio quare non illuminat iudeos vel alios infideles, quia sunt et volunt essere in carcere Moysi, vel saracenorum, qui volunt essere in carcere Machometi, et sic de aliis” (f. r2v - noteworthy the parallel Moises / Mohammad. The episode shows also the necessity of the baptism (symbolized by the pool) for the salvation, yet with the possibility of the baptism of desire, here defined a baptism in fire, i.e. provided by the Holy Spirit: “Sed quid de infideli qui vult omnino baptizari et hoc desiderat et affectat, sed non posset ire quia forte occiditur vel moritur? Idem de infirmo qui non potet ire, quia vel claudus vel iacet in lecto, et nemo vult eum baptizare. Dicendum quod in tali casu talis sanatur a Christo, sicut iste fuit sanatus a Christo, et baptizatur baptisimo flaminis, id est spiritussancti” (f. r3r).
The same reasoning applies to contrition, with the discussion of the cases in which one cannot confess since he/she would risk being killed, but has contrition and desire to be confessed. Exemplum of a sinner who repented while listening a sermon against lust, she started weeping and felt for the sorrow and died; the people around her felt sorry for her, since she died without confession, so the preacher invite everyone to pray for her (“Bona gens, orate deum pro ea…”) since she showed at least contrition, and a voice from the sky not only reassured everyone about her destiny but invited to ask for her intercession, proving how faith and contrition are enough to be saved: ““Frater (sic) non oretis deum per ista, sed oretis eam ut oret pro vobis, quia ipsa est in paradiso” Videatis ergo quod ista non venit ad piscina confessionis, sed fides et contritio sufficiunt”.
Third part
The goal is to heal not only the body but also the soul (reference to the Glossa, he was sick since he was a sinner). Hence the order not to sin again, that is, to avoid relapsing, for this reason, after confession, the medicine of penance is given. Final appeal to confession, using first person plural: “Itaque bona gens omnes infirmi sumus, veniamus ergo ad piscinam ut mundemur per penitentiam, ut sanemur ab omnibus infirmitatibus et peccatis nostris et per consequens veniamus ad gloriam” (f. r3v).
... here defined a baptism in fire, i.e. provided by the
Holy Spirit
: “Sed quid de infideli qui vult omnino baptizari...
T19 Sunday Invocavit
Vicent Ferrer
No introduction.
The sermon is immediately divided in four parts derived from the Gospel pericope (see divisio above).
Most part of the sermon deals with the theme of the spiritual battle (see bibliography).
In the last section (f. p6r) there is a description of the angels who serve Jesus, once he won over the devil’s temptations in the desert; they provide him with food since he is now hungry. The sermon follows what is found in the Meditationes vitae Christi (and perhaps other source) by saying: “Dicunt hic aliqui devoti contemplativi…”. It describes the angels who go to the Virgin Mary, taking her humble meal and food (“caules vel brodium vel spinargia et forte sardineta”) to bring it to Jesus, while she asks to bring her back at least the leftovers. It follows a moral interpretation about the condition of the faithful during Lent, as period of spiritual fight: “nam sumus in campo clauso, scilicet in quadragesima”, if one will resist until the end and win over temptations, there will be also for him/her the spiritual banquet, on Easter, when one is invited to have the Eucharist, i.e. the body of Christ that the Holy Spirit cooked “in coquina uteri virginalis” and that now is hidden under the veil of the Eucharist, “ideo dicit Christus: Vincenti dabo manna absconditum, quod nemo scit nisi qui accipit, Apoc. 2” (possible word play with Ferrer own name?)
... have the Eucharist , i.e. the body of Christ that the
Holy Spirit
cooked “in coquina uteri virginalis” and that now is...
T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum
Osvât Laskai (Osvaldus de Lasko)
Peter received this name after his confession of faith in Christ, which made him the foundation of the Church. The Church will not be wrong on faith and moral teaching necessary for salvation, yet it can be wrong on other things: "In aliis autem non pertinentibus ad fidem et falli et errare potet" (f. k4v).
Three types of ecclesia: 1) the ecclesia malignantium (Psalm 1); 2) the militant Church, i.e. catholic, "non sicut latibula hereticorum"; 3) the triumphant Church. The sermon will deal with the second one.
First part
The unity of the Church is proved in five ways: auctoritates; rationes; similitudines; revelationes; confutationes. The main emphasis is on the key concept that there is no salvation outside the Church (extra ecclesia nulla salus). Talking of the rationes, to explain the principle of non-contradiction, the sermon compares the different positions among religions (Jews and Islam - or rather: mahumetici and saracini), which cannot be both true. Only one is the true faith. And it points out that it is normal to persecute the religious dissent more than normal crime: “immo plus persequitur dissentientes quam fures et latrones” (f. k5v). As main simile, the sermon refers to the mystical body, with references to key passages of the apostle Paul. Interesting annotation on the fact that the body of the Church is in three places (world, purgatory, heaven), connecting them with the division of the host in three parts during the mass: the part put in the chalice symbolizes the soul already inebriated in heaven: “Sic christi corpus seu ecclesia est in triplici loco, scilicet in hoc mundo, in purgaotrio, et in celo. Ad quod significandum sacerdos in missa dividit corpus chirsti in tres partes. Per illam enim quam mittit in calice significat eos qui sunt in celo inebriati ab ubertate domus dei” (f. k5v). As revelation, the sermon briefly refers to an episode of the legend of saint Cecilia.
Key subsection
With a new subdivision, the confutationes form the real body of the sermon, occupying half of the text. The confutation of mistakes is evidently crucial for this preacher.
“Nam contra unitatem ecclesie sancte tres errores insurgunt:
primus error est naturalium philosoforum;
secundus est superborum et malorum christianorum;
tertius est fere omnium paganorum” (f. k6r)
Particularly developed is the confutation of the position of natural philosophers on the divine mercy that would save people in any religion/confession: “probare contendunt quod deus omnes homines ex sua bonitate salvat existentes in diversis ritibus et sectis”. The rebuttal insists on the necessary balance in God between mercy and justice.
The third mistake contrasted is that not only of pagans but also of the most simple Christians, who are puzzled by the fact that God would save only those in one faith and condemn all the other nations: “Tertius error contra contra ecclesie sacre unitatem fere omnium paganorum et etiam simplicium christianorum dicitur error admirationis dicentium: ‘O quammirum esset si deus solummodo sub una fide existentes salvaret alias omnes nationes dannaret’” (f. k7r). The reply is based on the Gospel passages on the few who are saved (“multi sunt vocati, puaci vero electi”; Matthew 22:14) and the narrow and difficult road to the eternal life (Matthew 7:14) and that the people outside the Church have no excuses and one will get according to his/her merit.
The final observation that half of the world is occupied by infidels introduces a long digression on the other half, occupied by ten groups (nationes) of Christians, yet only nominally: “Nam fere media hominum pars est infidelis. Sub nomine autem christiani quasi alia media pars est qua dividitur in decem nationes, scilicet Latinos, Grecos, Indios, Iacobitas, Nestorianos, Maronitas, Armenos, Georgianos, Surianos, Mozarabes” (f. k7rv). It follows a sort of geopolitics of faith, with a brief description of each groups, noting some characteristics of them – and generally condemning the non-Latin Christians all as heretics. Saying, for instance, that the Greeks are only nominally Christians, now under the political control of Turks - list of their three key theological errors: procession of the Holy Spirit; refuse of church of Rome as chief; purgatory. The Indians are those most numerous, and somehow favourably described (mentioning the practice of carrying two crosses in front of them when they go into battle). About the Jacobites, it is mentioned their practice of the circumcision and the impression of the sign of the cross on their front and body (“qui circunciduntur et baptizantur, cum ferro ignito caracterem crucis imprimunt in fronte et aliis partibus corporis ut in pectore vel brachiis"). After mentioning the Maronites (who are placed in Libya) and the Armenians (on the latter, notations on the singing of liturgy in their own language and , about the Georgians it is said that they are a strong people, in which also women are fighters (“et eorum femine utuntur armis sicut viri” – reference to Amazons?). The Syrians have the same positions of the Greeks against Latins. On the Mozarabs interesting notations on their liturgy: “Decima natio Mozarabes dicuntur quia modos christianorum de Arabia tenentur in multis et utuntur lingua latina in officiis divinis et obediunt ecclesie Rhomane, sed in multis discrepant, quia habent horas valde prolixas et faciunt tot horas divini officii quot sunt hore naturales diei cum hymnis et psalmis; et [est?] natio valde devota: in matrimonio non coniungunt nisi nationi sue gentis, inter quos femina amisso marito primo nunquam coniungit alteri” (f. k7v). While the description of the different nations of Christians reveals different degrees of sympathy, the final evaluation is extremely harsh: “Et isti omnes similiter cum infidelibus damnantur”.
Taking the cue from the description of the different type of Christians, the sermon introduces a digression on their presence at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, where – a part the Observant Franciscans who have the proper custodia of the Sepulchre – there are eight type of heretics in a sort of Babylon of languages (“sunt octo diversa genera hereticorum diversas linguas habentium adeo quod nullus intelligit alium”).
The section ends with a sorrowful address to the Church: “O igitur sancta ecclesia unica sponsa Christi! O Sancti Spiritus congregatio gratiosa/ [...] O quam multi sunt in te solo nomine et extra te ipsa re [...] Ergo hi ibunt in infernum, ubi nullus ordo est sed sempiternus horror inhabitat ubi cruciabuntur in secula seculorum” (f. k8r).
Second part
The power of the Church (potestas) is connected with the image of the keys, which rapidly becomes a discourse on the potestas ordinis of the priesthood, since priests have the following powers: to forgivesin; to change the pains (from those of purgatory to satisfaction); to consecrate the Eucharist; excommunication; holy orders; indulgence (this only the pope) – which however require to be ready to receive it. This section ends again with an address to the Church and a treat agains sinners: “O potestas ecclesie spiritualis quam magna es...” (f. k8r)
... their three key theological errors: procession of the
Holy Spirit
; refuse of church of Rome as chief; purgatory . The...