First, this boat is in a great and powerful storm.
Second, the time when the storm comes.
Third, the good arrival and the peace due to his presence when he [Christ] stepped in the boat.
Sermons that use this tag in their [Summary]
Liturgical day
Context: Summary
T24 Palm Sunday
Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
This time justice complains for the behaviour along Lent of the judge (i.e. Jesus), who did not condem the sinner. Hence, she refuses his sentence and appeals to God the father [check]. The debate involves now not only justice and mercy but also peace and truth (i.e. the four 'sisters' mentioned in Psalm 84, quoted at the beginning of the sermon - still, it does not introduce the reconciliation among them)
In front of the tribunal of Jesus, justice complains by saying that she is the foundation of any law and order and without her all cities and kingdoms would be destroied by crimes; however, the sinner was never given to her during the Lent and the judge let always mercy prevails. Therefore, if also on that day Jesus does not listen to her, she will appeal to God the father and refuse to comply with Jesus’ orders.
Supported by the intervention of truth, justice seems to win the day and the judge ready to condemn the man, yet the prompt intervention of mercy and peace once again overturns the judgement, that is: peace suggests that the judge (i.e. Jesus) could pay instead of the sinner by appearing as culprit in front of a different tribunal, that chaired by Justice. Jesus turns to God the Father and declares his readiness to redeem in this way the sinner, who is therefore freed from his sins.
... debate involves now not only justice and mercy but also
and truth (i.e. the four 'sisters' mentioned in Psalm...
Collections that use this tag in their [Notes]
Quadragesimale 'ante tribunal Christi'
Each day a sinner is brought in front of the tribunal of Christ, where justice accuses him and mercy defends him (yet, with the agreement that he must learn from her and radically change his life). Final twist, in the last three sermons: the conflict between the two virtues (which involves also pax and veritas / peace and truth), Christ is brought in front of the tribunal of Justice, since his sacrifice will atone for the sins of the humanity.
Description of the sermons is based on CLM 8825
The date of the collection is based on CLM 26834 (it is the manuscript followed by Schneyer 1350-1500).
The attribution to Johannes Schwarz needs to be confirmed (he may be just the copyst...)