On the fieve ways (see above) one commits usury (as third form of illicit acquisition of goods - avarice)
...On the fieve ways (see above) one commits
(as third form of illicit acquisition of goods - avarice...
T22/2 Monday after Laetare
Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
The sermon discusses other fieve forms of usury that result more hidden - and so more insidious. The discourse focues mostry on merchants.
...The sermon discusses other fieve forms of
that result more hidden - and so more insidious. The...
T20 Sunday Reminiscere
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
God is able to get good from bad, since its action is naturally merciful. Quotation of the Easter hymn: O felix culpa (here attributed to Gregory the Great). Key point of the introduction: "Ordinavit enim deus malum reproborum ad quadruplex bonum electorum".
First part
To contemplate the glory of Christ (as the three apostles) needs to renunce to all heartly things ("Moraliter: qui desiderat in beatitudine Christum glorificatum videre, mundum et omnia terrena debet relinquere"; X.F). The sermon presents a subdivision of the three reasons why "debemus ergo mundum et omnia terrena transitoria spernere et relinquere, quia habent: 1) Infidelitatem in acquirendo; 2) Instabilitatem in retinendo; 3) Anxietatem in reliquendo" (X.G).
1.1. To acquire richness, people deceive parents, friends, relatives, and neighbours. Manual workers deceive people, and citizens become rich by means of usury and frauds («Sic etiam hodie mechanici seipsos in laboribus suis depiciunt, cives et burgenses per usuram et mendatia divitias acquirunt»). Particular emphasis is on usuary, saying that now Christians are worse than Jews: «Et specialter ibi notat usuram, que ut pro dolor valde communis est Christiano et Iudeo, plus hodie Chrstiani quam Iudei usuram rapiunt. Nam iudeus de libra denarium vel duos per septimanam sumpsit, tu autem false Christiane vix in solido contentaris, et usuram nomine census baptizas» (X.G). Not only the one who does, but the city that accepts this behaviour is condemned. Brief discussion about usury and its exceptions.
1.2. About the instability of earthly good, the sermon refers to the Wheel of fortune, with quite an extensive comment that quotes at lenght Boethius, some didactic verses, and a symbolic anthropomorfic/theriomorphic symbol of fortune (X.I)
1.3. Sorrows in leaving things (at the moment of death). Among other quotations, this idea is explained quoting a passage of AristotlePoetica, which presents fabulose the reply of an old palace to a poet that interrogated it about the destiny of the people that lived there in joy and splendour. Second part
... deceive people, and citizens become rich by means of
and frauds («Sic etiam hodie mechanici seipsos in laboribus...
Justice means here penance. One needs fasting against the body; prayer against bad thought and interior or hidden sin; almsgiving against thefts, misappropriations, usury.
Division On the basis of the whole Gospel pericope (see above)
Fasting not only in front of the people (corporal fasting) but also before God, who reads the hearts (i.e. intention and aims). One needs to fast from what corrupts the heart (bad thoughts, rancour, desire of revenge) following what is said in Matthew 5, namely the commandment to love the enemies and the persecutors to be similar to God. Here the sermon refers also to the epistle of the day (Isaiah 58), with its reference to the fasting acceptable to God, that is eliminating the injustice and divisions.
Almsgiving not as rabbis and Pharisees, i.e. looking for your own glory and recognition. Christ provides the rule: «do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing» (Matthew 6.3), which has a triple explanation. The hand symbolize the richness, since as it is the organ able to do everything (Aristotle), so it is richness: «sicut manibus faciamus omnia opera. Unde dicit philosophus quod manus est organum organorum, ita cum diviciis homo facit omnia negocia». The right hand are the richness that are acquired honestly, while the left hand dishonestly. They must not be mixed, since the first are for almsgiving , the second for restitution. Practical and mnemonic suggestion: have a divided coin pouch: «Ideo do vobis utile consilium quod in taxia vestra sive bursa faciatis medium et pecunia de bono iusto ponatur in una parte et de malo iusto ponatur in alia parte, quia quando simul ponitur restitutio oblivioni traditur et per illud medium reducitur ad memoriam, et tunc scietis de qua manu facietis elemosinam et de qua restitutionem» (fol. p1r). Left and right are also the intentions that move one to give alms (for love and salvation vs for vainglory) and the way one does it, suggesting to go to the church already prepared to do almsgiving «nota practicam: quando vadit aliquis ad ecclesiam ut portet in manu quod proposuit dare amore dei».
About prayer, the sermon emphasis the interior dimention, yet also in the public prayer, in the church, which is not in contrast with the command to «go into your room and shut the door» (Matthew 6.6).
Ferrer solves a possible doubt, namely how to conciliate this Gospel pericope with the Gospel text that asks not to hide the lamp but to put it in a visible place (Matthew 5.15). The first indication (i.e. Matthew 6) addresses the imperfect believers (imperfecti), while the other the perfect ones (perfecti), since the wind of the human praises would blow out a weak flame but instead invigorates a strong one, without extinguishing it.
... sin ; almsgiving against thefts, misappropriations,
. Division On the basis of the whole Gospel pericope...