The original sin passes from Adam and Eve to the whole humanity as it happens for the sons born in slavery. On that, the progenitors of the humanity were bad merchants (“mali mercatores fuerunt”).
After the redemption, if the prince of this world has been expelled from it (cf. John 12), how does he continue his nefarious work and how does he attack the human beings? Lucifer sends “in odium Ihesu Christi et invidiam nostri” seven devils who are captains of a uncountable army of devils. They are symbols of the seven capital vices [presented in the SALIGIA order] and are worst (nequiores) of Lucifer not in their hatred but in their effects.
Seven biblical demons, each connected with a vice:
Leviathan for pride;
Mammon for greed;
Asmodeus for lust;
Beelzebub for envy;
Belphegor for gluttony;
Baalberith for wrath;
Astaroth for sloth.
...Introduction The original sin passes from Adam and
to the whole humanity as it happens for the sons born...
T23/2 Monday after Judica
Roberto Caracciolo
Introduction -
Divisio (see above)
1) First part: the saints, by praying, can intercede for our salvation and help us obtain grace from God (reference to Gregory the Great, Moralia in Iob 12).
2) Second part: the «fiery prayer» made by Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane was so effective that it enabled all human beings to obtain God's grace (reference to Thomas Aquinas).
3) Third part: Superbis resistit Deus, humilibus autem dat gratiam (quote from 1Peter 5, 5). Exempla of pride: Lucifer »; Eve. Exempla of humility: David; the centurion (Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum, quote from Matthew 8, 8 [miracle of the healing of the centurion’s servant]); the woman of Canaan (Nam et catelli edunt de micis que cadunt de mensa domini sui, quote from Matthew 15, 27 [miracle of the exorcism of the daughter of the woman of Canaan]); the Publican (reference to the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican [Luke 18, 9-14]).
4) Fourth part: shame drives away things contrary to virtue in two ways (reference to Thomas Aquinas): 1. out of shame human beings often keep away from vice; 2. shame of one's vices often induces human beings to confession.
5) Fifth part: persevering in prayer and charitable behaviour makes it possible to obtain grace; «“Dimandate e riceverete” (cioè la gratia), “battete e ve serà aperto”» (reference to Luke 11, 5-13).
... (quote from 1Peter 5, 5). _Exempla_ of pride: Lucifer »;
. _Exempla_ of humility: David ; the centurion (_Domine,...