De ludo.
It is connected with the previous sermon by saying that gambling is the main origin of blasphemy
... is connected with the previous sermon by saying that
is the main origin of blasphemy ...
T20/2 Monday after Reminiscere
Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
The introduction contains an important annuncement about the topics discussed along two weeks, all connected with the moral plea of the Apostle in the thema (i.e. in the epistole of the Sunday Reminiscere):
"Heri in mane super his verbis diximus apostolum in hac epistola trai principaliter prohibere. Primum scilicet offensionem dei, et de hac duabus predicationibus hesternis aliqua diximus [reference to the sermons on blasphemy and gambling]. Secundo declarabimus apostolum prohibere inquinationem sui, et hanc prosequenti hebdomada reservabimus [the following week, on sexuality]. Tertio iniuriam proximi, et hanc in hac hebdomada discutiemus [this week]" - and the first example of sin against the other is adultery.
... diximus [reference to the sermons on blasphemy and
]. Secundo declarabimus apostolum prohibere inquinationem...