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Tag contrition
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Sermons that use this tag in their [Summary]

CodeLiturgical dayAuthorsContext: Summary
1/2/50 T28/4 Wednesday after Easter Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... of conscience so to do twice a week a confession orcontrition, it asks also the effort to set the example for other...
11/1/31 T22/6 Friday after Laetare Leonardo da Udine
... sepe deum offendimus igitur conveniens est ut cordiscontritionepremissa ante ipsius conspectum per sacerdotem absolvantur...
11/1/37 T23/5 Thursday after Judica Leonardo da Udine
...Introduction presentscontritionas the fundamental part of the penitential process...
3/6/16 T19/6 Friday after Invocavit Vicent Ferrer
... spiritussancti” (f. r3r). The same reasoning applies tocontrition, with the discussion of the cases in which one cannot...
3/6/22 T20/3 Tuesday after Reminiscere Vicent Ferrer
... Psalm 50 (_ Miserere _). 2) Sitting up on the bed =contrition(with distinction from attrition ). Example - giving...
4/1/60 T23 Sunday Judica (de Passione) - morning Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
... and that the fist theme is the necessity of a sincerecontrition: _necessitate, integritate, ductibilitate_ . The...
4/1/69 T24 Palm Sunday Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
... about the sacrmaent of penance (again, underlining justcontritionand confession , without space for satisfation), it...
1/2/18 T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... confession of the heart» not sufficient? Per se, thecontritionjoined with the intention to confess and provide satisfaction...
9/0/1 T18/4 Ash Wednesday Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
...conversion , insisting on two topics: to convert by means ofcontritionand by escaping the behaviour of the hypocrites [link...
1/2/41 T24/2 Monday after Palm Sunday Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... Ferventis devotionis”. 2.1. The ointment of sorrowfulcontritionis portrayed by depicting the preparation of the ointment...
6/0/12 T19/6 Friday after Invocavit Anonymous
... discussion is about vices , but then the sermon focuses oncontrition, with references also to the importance of tears (link...
1/1/2 T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... the previous intervention of grace , which provokescontritionin conscience: “offensa non remittitur nisi per gratiam...
1/1/4 T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... with different symbolic birds : first, the works ofcontritionand penance - brief discussion on confession , with...
3/6/2 T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Vicent Ferrer
... end of the night is close. 2) Checking the pulse =contrition. The five fingers of Christ’s hand are: fear, pain,...