Introduction -
Division (see above)
1) First part: the community of Christians is organized, like the natural world, into lower and higher elements; there is no superiority by nature, but only by functions (reference to Thomas Aquinas). Priests must be obeyed because their function - mediating the will of God - is superior to others; disobeying priests is like disobeying God (exemplum: 1Kings 15,3 Saul disobeys the prophet Samuel).
2) Second part: obedience not only rewards human beings with temporal goods, but also gives them grace and love towards God and other men. Those who obey their superior enjoy the highest honor in Heaven (reference to Vita dei santi Padri). "Obedience is the mother of all virtues” and si obbediremus Deo, Deus nobis obbediret (reference to Augustine; exemplum: Joshua 10, 12-13 God granted Joshua's request, because “Joshua was obedient to God”). One must always obey willingly; the virtue of obedience makes possible many things that seemed impossible (exemplum: the tree of obedience, from Vita dei santi Padri).
3) Third part: God reserves great punishments for the disobedient (two exempla: Genesis 3, 17 punishment of disobedient Adam; story of the Carthaginian matron and her disobedient children).
The concept that everyone must obey their superior is reiterated.
...Augustine ; _exemplum_: Joshua 10, 12-13 God granted
's request, because “Joshua was obedient to God”)....