In the usual way, we must collect a fruit that will lead us to the eternal life, and therefore according to the words of the proposed pericope, we will see in which way one has to rise up from sin. And I tell you that there are three ways. The first is through contrition, about which we talk yesterday. The second is confession. As yesterday I told you, contrition is valid to me to have my deeds accepted by God, yet if I neglect to confess when I can, it will not be enough. Therefore, first of all let’s see what confession is...
Sermons that use this tag in their [Summary]
Liturgical day
Context: Summary
T19/4 Wednesday after Invocavit
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
As poison is worse than a sword and a false friend worse than a false coin, so it was the falsity and simulation of the Pharisees who asked Jesus for a sign. This leads to two brief quaestiones: whether and how it is licit to praise other people; why the Pharisees sinned mortally by calling Jesus "master" – although he was it. The latter include a discussion on how action and intention need to be joined, since both need to follow the law of God.
First part
Main theme is ingratitude, first presented by commenting the Gospel episode (postillatio) and then moraliter by considering the Christians who – having received more benefits than the Jews – must thank God (reference to moral teaching of Seneca and, on a spiritual level, in particular to the special gift of the eucharist). Three possible mistakes:
“De huius modi beneficiis et donis acceptis:
Quidam de deo non cogitant.
Quidam deum de beneficiis non honorant.
Quidam dei beneficia exasperant” (6V).
1.1. To forget the benefits that God gave connectes with the sensuality of the flesh (voluptas carni) – reference to Plato and the opposition between soul and body.
1.2. Ungrateful people who do not give thanks to God are like a pork, which eats acorns without looking at the tree, i.e. without raising its eyes. An exemplum from the Vitas patrum: in a vision an old monk sees part of his fellow monks eating white bread and honey, while the others eating shit (stercus). The first are those who «in timore et gratiarum actione sedent at mensam», while the other are those who «murmurant, detrahunt et male locuntur in mensa, nec gratias dicunt» (6X).
1.3. Ungrateful is also to ask continuously God for more, without realizing that in the Passion everything has already been given to us. Seneca’s exemplum (De beneficiis) of the condemnation of a soldier ungrateful with the one who saved him from shipwreck. Allegorical application to the Christians, saved from death (the shipwrek), welcomed at home (the church), nourished with the eucharist: they promise a lot and then maintain very little («multa promittimus et pauca solvimus»; 6Y [note the use of the first person plural]), so Christ – the saviour - will expose our fault in front of God the father, who will impress the marks (stigmata) of eternal damnation on them.
Second part
Interpretation of the parable of the return of the unclean spirit (parable): in the allegory (allegorice), the devil has left the gentile, who welcomed Christ with faith, and now inhabits the Jews («ideo recendente dyabolo a gentilibus ad iudeos est reversus, in quibus nunc per infidelitatem et obstinationem dicitur inhabitare»; 6Z). On a moral level (moraliter), the parable concerns the recidivist who returns to sin and the danger of his/her condition, since «per talem recidivationem sit:
Homo debilior ad resurgendum.
Dyabolus fortior ad invadendum.
Deus difficilior ad indulgendum».
2.1. By repeating a sin, a person gets less sensible to its relevance and more tied to it do to the habit. Image of the fish or bird in the net.
2.2. Moral interpretation of the parable. The devil is expelled by penance, yet it might come back – it has no power but it can knock at the door of the heart both using fantasies in the memory («movendo fantasmata malorum in memoria reservata incendendo per desiderium amoris»; 6Z) or using the seven vices (seven capital sins). A quaestio about how can be interpret the return of previous sins, if they were forgiven. Indeed, it is the new sin of ungratefulness for their forgiveness that is added to the new sins. Hence, one has to confess it without repeating the confession of all the previous sins (unclear reference: «ut dicit Lodovicus in summa sua») [note the pastoral outcome of this interpretation].
2.3. God is less ready to forgive those who repeatedly despised his mercy. Discussion whether the repetition of a sin makes it worst, with a detailed reference to the position of Bonaventure, who depicted four stages of sin: interior consent; action; habit; final absence of repentance. The last stage is final and cannot be forgiven, while the other three are connected with the three episodes of resurrections in the Gospel, which symbolically happen in three different places: at home, on the door of the city, in the tomb.
Third part
Jesus praises the grace given to those who perform good deeds. Explanation of the scene of the Gospel, when the Virgin Mary and the relatives of Jesus call him outside. It was an insidious request, since he would abandon his pastoral engagement showing human feelings. On a moral level, it teaches that one must choose by considering the utility and dignity of things, and this is true also at a spiritual level.
«Ideo quilibet debet ea [spiritualia] preeligere et preponere et hoc quo ad tria, scilicet:
Temporis prioritatem.
Intentionis principalitatem.
Ordinis dignitatem» (7E).
3.1. One must choose virtue while s/he is young, without waiting the old age – simile of the wax, flexible only when is hot. And exemplum of the miller who had a donkey, which he did not force when it was young, and that later on refused to work and kicked the miller, killing him. The donkey symbolizes the body: if it is not dominated when one is young, it would condemn him/her to the eternal death.
3.2. Centrality of the intention - and quaestio on how to interpret the command: «Omnia in gloriam dei facite» (1 Corinthians 10 ). The solution seems to be not that each act needs to be directly connected to the glory of God, but that it becomes an habit, as the direct exhortation sates: «Ad hoc enim debemus tendere et hoc desiderare, quod ad talem statum perveniamus quod omnes actiones nostras et affectiones principlai intentione ad deum referamus» (6I).
3.3. The necessity to put spiritual before worldly things is exemplified by saint Luis of Toulouse, quoting John XXII’s the bull of canonization («unde in bulla eius translatione scribit Iohnnis Papa XXII: Ludovicus ut sol refulgens in virtute ...»; 6K).
... Hence, one has to confess it without repeating the
of all the previous sins (unclear reference: «ut dicit...
T28/4 Wednesday after Easter
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
Any novelty is hard to believe, hence the need of several apparitions of Jesus after his resurrection so that the disciples might be able to believe it - quaestio: why did not Jesus remain continuously with them in that period? His absence serves the process of internalization and reflection. His continuous presence would be emotionally overwhelming (as for a lover the presence of the beloved).
DivisioFirst part
The disciples returned to fish since being a fisher was not a sinful activity (difference with the case of Matthew, who had been a moneylander). On the moral level (moraliter) the reflection on the laws about fishing (who can fish where) leads to the consideration of the situation of the sinner who – as a fish that escaped from a private and safe pool (i.e. the church) – is exposed to anyone who tries to fish them. There are three types of fishers: God, the preacher, the devil.
“Hominem ideo sic in libertate vagantem extra ecclesia tres piscatores capere nituntur scilicet:
Deus qui est proprius et supremus
Homo predicator et medius
Dyabolus raptor et pessimus” (48A)
1.1. God the father is a fisher in the creation, and the Son and the Holy Spirit joined him in this activity (as the disciples in the pericope joined Peter). The rebellion of Lucifer and the sin of the man are a rupture in the original net, so it was necessary to try to another strategy by sending the son to fish with the hook (his divinity) and the bait (his humanity): “voluit mittere filium suum in capturam alteram ut hamo deietatis piscature que humanitate als mit einem kerder [vernacular expression; macaronic] tegit deitatem...» (48B). In this way, on the one hand the devil (the great whale) was deceived by the bait, captured and closed in hell; at the same time – with the same hidden hook – caught many people who took from hell to heaven (harrowing of hell). Not, the eucharist is an is even more sophisticate hook, since not only the divinity is hidden (as it was in the incarnation) but also the humanity. However, when it is taken in a condition of sin, one condemns him/herself, as said by the apostle.
1.2. Common place of the preacher as fisher; however, at the beginning the fish was easier, since now the church got old («antiquata») and the hearts of the people are hardened by vices and sins. Three things obstacle the fishing: a) the wind pushes the fishes to stay to the sea bottom – so the negative inspirations by devils and evil people; b) transparent water allows the fishes to see the hook – so the bad companies that divert people from listening the word of God; c) an inappropriate net, which might be with too large or too narrow holes – so many listeners, when they hear a too strict preaching abandon the church, and this might dishearten the preacher.
1.3. The devil has many strategies to fish the souls, i.e. through many types of sins. Brief outline of the devil’s hand, with its five fingers targeted to different type of people: «Het enim manus dyaboli quinque digitos habet: symoniam in clericis, rapinam in nobilibus, usuram in burgensibus, furtum in latronibus, et circumventionem in mercatoribus» (48E).
Second part
The apparition of Jesus on the shore as symbol of the need to stick to him who will help to escape from the shipwrek in the dangerous water of this world and from the pirates, i.e. the devil: «Adhereamus ergo illo firmo fundamento ut liberari possumus a naufragio et crudeli pirato dyabolo, quia Iesus stat ante nos in littore ad designandum quod immobiliter vult nobis adesse (?), si
cordialiter eum diligamus.
Stabiliter in eum confidamus.
Firmiter in eum credamus» (48G) [Note the use of the first-person plural].
2.1. Since we are unstable, we need to stay attached to Christ by means of love («debemus ergo nos qui sumus instabiles vinculo amoris ad Christum ligare et stringere»), instead the devil is a lord, who destroys those who are linked to him, as explained in the fable (fabula) of the lion, the wolf and the fox that hunt together: "lupus et vulpes se leoni associaverut in venatione" [it is not the fable by Aesop]. The fable has it moral interpatation (moraliter).
2.2. Full trust in Christ, who is like the ancor in the tempest. We must trust him completely for three reasons: «propter caritatem adoptionus, veritatem promissions et pietatem reddicionis» (48I). Interesting to note that here Christ is the father: «Nam Christus nos adoptavit et patrem nostrum se constituit». References to commentaries to the Pater noster and to the exemplum of the prodigal son [there was an established between Christ’s resurrection and this parable].
2.3. Need to believe firmly, since only a faith well-rooted bears fruits. This means also a faith informed by love (fides formata by caritas), since also the devils and those in mortal sin have a faith without fruits (fides informis). This leads to a detailed passage on necromancy: necromancers and charmers (divinatores; carminatrices) are defined as heretics, since they associate with the demons. About the vetula (witches) and their believe in shapeshifting and nocturnal flight, the sermon quotes the canon episcopi, yet also recalling that they must be burn at stake and their goods sold out. The quaestio on the effectiveness of their practices (both in healing and harming) is due to the illusion of the devil. An exemplum about a old woman (vetula) who deceived a woman who asked her for help to change the attitude of her violent husband serves to prove that are scams and deceits. The vetula teaches the woman a spell during the night, while offering lard to the devil – the charms are in vernacular (German, macaronic).
Third partPeter taking out his clothes and jumping into the water symbolizes that hope of the reward makes bear strains and pains in this world, as it is said with a direct exhortation: «Debemus expoliare cum Petro veterem hominem cum actibus suis et mittere in amaritudinem laboris virtutum et deo fideliter servire. Iuxta illud Deuteronomi 6: Dominus deum tuum adorabis et illi soli servies (Deuteronomy 6.13)” (48L). This biblical sentence serves as a sort of thema of this section, since it serves to explain «que domino nostro libenter servire debemus»:
«Conditionis liberalioris dominus est.
Dilectionis uberioris tuus est.
Prelationis maioris solus deu est» (48M).
3.1. Only Jesus is the lord who can save the people (solus Iesus), others are only nominally lords, as showed by the exemplum of the philosopher who replied to the messengers of the king Philippus.
3.2. One has to serve Christ. How? As reply the sermon introduces the story of the pauper Guido sering the emperor and the long allegorical explanation (moraliter) of the services that Guido performed [the story comes from the Gesta romanorum, nr. 17 ed. Oesterley]. It depicts a demanding form of Christian life, since its starting point is when one is already pauper through prayer, fasting, almsgiving [note: this is particularly apt at the end of Lent], it includes frequent exam of conscience so to do twice a week a confession or contrition, it asks also the effort to set the example for other (somehow, a pastoral perspective). Finally, the perseverant memory of the Passion protects from any devilish attacks [also this is tuned to the liturgical period].
3.3. The service to God needs to be put before anything else, since our good is all in that.
Final prayer, with a direct appeal to God: «Esse enim sine te est sine deo esse, in maris periculo sine gubernatore, in carcere sine consolatore, in exilio sine amico, inter hostes sine adiutorio, in bello sine duce, in tenebris sine luce. Unde sine deo vivere est vivendo mori et decedere. Fac ergo, o domine Iesu, me semper vivere in te e sine te noli me derelinquere, ut cum dies advenerit mei clamoris, mea merces sis huius laboris ac virgo beatissima assit semper precata, ut Francisco cum (!) seraphico sempiterno fruar premio. Amen» [significant the reference to saint Francis at the end of the sermon collection]
... frequent exam of conscience so to do twice a week a
or contrition , it asks also the effort to set the...
T22/6 Friday after Laetare
Leonardo da Udine
"Quoniam in mortali et fragili vita sepe deum offendimus igitur conveniens est ut cordis contritione premissa ante ipsius conspectum per sacerdotem absolvantur a peccatis in confessione, quod quam necessaria sit probatur quadruplici testimonio"
... conspectum per sacerdotem absolvantur a peccatis in
, quod quam necessaria sit probatur quadruplici testimonio"...
T19/6 Friday after Invocavit
Vicent Ferrer
The first part concerns the probatic pool of Jerusalem, with the following subdivision to explain (queritur) three secrets (secreta) that explain its healing power.
a) virtus sancte crucis et passionis Ihesu Christi (the Passion and the legend about the Cross - Legenda crucis)
b) virtus baptisimi (baptism)
c) virtus confessionis (confession) (f. r2r)
The five porches of the pool symbolize five types of sin, namely: “cogitatio, locutio, operatio, omissio, obstinatio” (f. r2v) [note the resemblance with the Confiteor in the liturgy].
Second part
Why was only one healed among all the sick people present at the pool? He was the only with a good disposition, i.e. who had full confidence in Jesus. God's liberality did not lack, but the other people did not have the right disposition (classic exemplum: the sun is there, only if you open the window it can enter), for the same reason Jews, infidels and Saracens do not convert today, since they prefer to remian in the prison of Moses and Muhammad: “Ecce qua est ratio quare non illuminat iudeos vel alios infideles, quia sunt et volunt essere in carcere Moysi, vel saracenorum, qui volunt essere in carcere Machometi, et sic de aliis” (f. r2v - noteworthy the parallel Moises / Mohammad. The episode shows also the necessity of the baptism (symbolized by the pool) for the salvation, yet with the possibility of the baptism of desire, here defined a baptism in fire, i.e. provided by the Holy Spirit: “Sed quid de infideli qui vult omnino baptizari et hoc desiderat et affectat, sed non posset ire quia forte occiditur vel moritur? Idem de infirmo qui non potet ire, quia vel claudus vel iacet in lecto, et nemo vult eum baptizare. Dicendum quod in tali casu talis sanatur a Christo, sicut iste fuit sanatus a Christo, et baptizatur baptisimo flaminis, id est spiritussancti” (f. r3r).
The same reasoning applies to contrition, with the discussion of the cases in which one cannot confess since he/she would risk being killed, but has contrition and desire to be confessed. Exemplum of a sinner who repented while listening a sermon against lust, she started weeping and felt for the sorrow and died; the people around her felt sorry for her, since she died without confession, so the preacher invite everyone to pray for her (“Bona gens, orate deum pro ea…”) since she showed at least contrition, and a voice from the sky not only reassured everyone about her destiny but invited to ask for her intercession, proving how faith and contrition are enough to be saved: ““Frater (sic) non oretis deum per ista, sed oretis eam ut oret pro vobis, quia ipsa est in paradiso” Videatis ergo quod ista non venit ad piscina confessionis, sed fides et contritio sufficiunt”.
Third part
The goal is to heal not only the body but also the soul (reference to the Glossa, he was sick since he was a sinner). Hence the order not to sin again, that is, to avoid relapsing, for this reason, after confession, the medicine of penance is given. Final appeal to confession, using first person plural: “Itaque bona gens omnes infirmi sumus, veniamus ergo ad piscinam ut mundemur per penitentiam, ut sanemur ab omnibus infirmitatibus et peccatis nostris et per consequens veniamus ad gloriam” (f. r3v).
... b) virtus baptisimi ( baptism ) c) virtus confessionis (
) (f. r2r) The five porches of the pool symbolize...
... around her felt sorry for her, since she died without
, so the preacher invite everyone to pray for her (“Bona...
... confession, the medicine of penance is given. Final appeal to
, using first person plural: “Itaque bona gens omnes...
T20/3 Tuesday after Reminiscere
Vicent Ferrer
“Tempus istud quadragesimale et thema dant mihi motivum de quadam materia predicandi multi utili et necessaria persone que stat in peccato mortali et mala vita quo poterit exire peccatum per gratiam dei” (f. s6r).
On the word surge and the story of Elijah, first a litteral interpretation and then “iuxta intellectum tropologicum vel moralem” (moral interpretation): land of Israel = the condition of sin. Ferrer explains the dynamic of retribution. The good works done in mortal sin have no merit but are useful, with an earthly reward and may contribute to return in the state of grace (“si continuaveris bonum opus retrahet te de peccato nec permittet te mori in mortali”). Yet, even after conversion, they will remain without eternal reward (this is true also for saints, such as Paul and Mary Magdalene, whose good works done before conversion were unremunerated). Key biblical text John 15: “quia sine me nihil potetis facerer”.
Sarepta = penance, which allow to raise from mortal sin: “Iuxta intellectum spiritualem modo videamus quomodo surget persona que diu dormit in peccato mortali”; list of biblical passages on surge/surgite.
On rising from sin by tmeans divine grace, explained with the simile of getting out of bed in eight actions (see above). The sermon is structured around these eight actions.
Main part
1) Opening the eyes = recognize sin, through grace - each one according to his/her state of life (exempla from religious life). Reference to David and Psalm 50 (Miserere).
2) Sitting up on the bed = contrition (with distinction from attrition). Example - giving voice to direct discourse - of a friar and a sentenced to death. True contrition: matter = pain of sins; form = awarness of having offended God.
3) Getting up, not naked but with a shirt = good resolution to amend, will to wear the new man (not yet effective, but it functions as a martyr's desire: it is already meritorious). The sermons dwells on the example of the loss of virginity and the impossibility of recovering it.
4) Go away from bed = abandon bad company (poet's quote: "Que nocitura tenes quamvis sint cara relique"; Distica Catonis?). Utmost clearly Christ: if a member is a scandal to you, cut it. It must be understood in a figurative sense (it recals the theme of the hand as an "organum organorum"), cut off dangerous relationships (servants, procurator, confessor, teachers...).
5) To spit abundantly (“spuit non solum materiam parvam sed grossam”) = confession
6) Put on the shoes = forget past offenses and renounce to revenge: “Beatus qui potest dicere non habeo odium in corde”.
7) Put n the belt = repaying debts, fixing damages, and living soberly (“minuendo excessum et ornamenta vana”).
8) Wash hands (and face) = almsgiving. Sevral practical practical advice [already encountered in the Lenten sermon colletion]: a) divide the cash box in two ("in capsa"), so as not to mix badly acquired money with others - so that seeing them may arouse remorse and push one to return them; b) don't put the leftover food back in the pantry and don't give it to the dogs - it must be given to the poor.
...abundantly (“spuit non solum materiam parvam sed grossam”) =
6) Put on the shoes = forget past offenses and renounce...
T23/2 Monday after Judica
Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
De necessitate et obligatione confessionis - confession as second part of penance
...De necessitate et obligatione confessionis -
as second part of penance ...
T23/4 Wednesday after Judica
Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
Necessity of an attentive and scrupolous preparation to the confession (i.e. exam of conscience), so that the confessio will be fruitful. The sermon presents the rationes, auctoritates et exempla.
f. 326rv Dialogue (in the vernacular) between the penitent who did not prepare carefuly for the Easter confession and the priest
...Necessity of an attentive and scrupolous preparation to the
(i.e. exam of conscience ), so that the confessio will...
T24 Palm Sunday
Cherubino da Spoleto, Serafino da Mantova
"De necessaria obligatione sacratissima communionis"
Introduction frames the eucharist among the salvific tools provided by the divine providence, and says that having finhished to discuss about the sacrmaent of penance (again, underlining just contrition and confession, without space for satisfation), it is time to discuss about the eucharist by presenting three key points:
the necessity (and so the obligation to it);
the punishment for the omission;
the preparation.
It annunces that only the first point will be discussed in this sermon, the others in the two following sermons.
... of penance (again, underlining just contrition and
, without space for satisfation), it is time to discuss...
T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
The sermon opens by presenting the duty that parents have towards their children and exposing the cases in which a father can legitimately disinherit his son. The detailed list of seven cases is a vademecum on matters of inheritance (e.g. filial violence against his father, sexual intercourse with his mother or his father’s concubine, attempts to prevent the father from making a testament; do not care to set his father free from prison) serves to point out that the initial request of the prodigal son was legitimate.
The sermon next presents three quaestiones that revolve around the restoration of the sinner after penance, with specific attention to the issue «whether the deeds that were alive through charity and mortified by sin will live again through penance» («Queritur tercio an opera per caritatem viva et mortificata ex peccato per penitentiam reviviscant»; 16R), underlining also the positive effects of the good works that one does in the condition of mortal sin. Drawing on Bonaventure, the sermon insists on the importance that one – even in mortal sin – should not desist from doing good because God will find the right way to remunerate him/her with his grace.
Main division (see above)
First part
Far from God, the human being cannot have rest (reference to the Confessiones of Augustine: «my heart is restless until it would come to you, God» (Inquietum est cor meum donec veniat ad te; 16V). Hence, the sinner must return to the house of the Father (God), i.e. the church, where he will find also his mother, i.e. the Virgin Mary: “Through penitence, the sinner must return to the house of God the Father, which is the holy Church, where he will be safe from all his enemies. There he will find a graceful father and a mother, who is the glorious and clement Virgin May, because she welcomes those who seek refuge in the womb of her mercy, she protects them from all enemies, and she nourishes them with the milk of grace” («Debet ergo peccator redire ad domum dei patris, scilicet sanctam ecclesiam, in qua securatur ab omnibus adversariis, et hoc per penitentiam, et inveniet patrem graciosum, matrem scilicet virginem gloriosam clementem, que refugientes ad gremium sue misericordie suscipit et ab hostibus defendit et lacte gracie nutrit»; 16X). It follows a long digression on the Virgin who, as a mother, fosters the return of the sinners (the texts build upon several quotations of Anselm and Bernard of Clairvaux).
Second part
The fruitful return of the penitent to the state of grace («fructuosa reversio penitentisa ad statum gracie»; 17B). Sinners are invited to identify with the prodigal son: «the sinner is far away and separated from God and, in the same way of this prodigus, he must come to himself and think of his actual extreme misery and the great mercy of God the Father; he must lament and not rest until he will come to the father of mercy, God of full consolation» («Moraliter peccator, longe a deo divisus et separatus, debet instar huius prodigi per conversionem in se reverti, pensare propriam miseriam et inopiam et dei patris maximam pietatem, dolere et non quiescere donec ad eum veniat, qui est pater misericordiam et deus totius consolationis»). This exhortation to imitate the prodigal son is reiterated, in a process that involves heart, mouth and action («Ad hunc patrem pium et benignum debet peccator ad instar filii prodigi: in corde recurrere ad eius benignitatem; in ore proponere propriam iniquitatem; in opere intendere satisfactionis humilitatem»; 17C). This threefold division is connected with the three parts of penitence: contrition, confession, and satisfaction.
The first point puts on the forefront not the memory of the sins but of the benefits received from God. This positive memory of God’s mercy is the starting point for the conversion, yet, mercy cannot be separated from justice. The listeners have to recall that God will punish those who do not convert from their sin, even though this goes against his merciful nature (17D).
Dealing with confession, the sermon provides the listeners with a formulary to start an oral confession. Next, it considers the relationship between contrition and confession. Why is outward confession necessary? Is «contrition and confession of the heart» not sufficient? Per se, the contrition joined with the intention to confess and provide satisfaction as soon as possible already purifies the sinner. Later on, if he/she does not confess and satisfy, the previous sin cannot return. However, in that event he/she commits a new mortal sin by breaking the Church commandments (17E). Yet, if through contrition God already cancels the sin, what effect has confession? The sermon states that – since each sin is «against both God and the Church» – there is an ecclesiastical/social dimension of sin that, consequently, needs an ecclesiastical reconciliation «through confession, imposed satisfaction and the priest’s absolution» (Dum enim peccator peccat mortaliter, peccat contra deum et ecclesiam. […] peccat contra ecclesiam quam contemnit et scandalisat, et ligatur altero vinculo, quod solum per confessionem et satisfactionem iniunctam et absolucionem presbiteri ydonei relaxatus»; 17.F). Moreover, aural confession is necessary to tackle the problem of rightly establishing the measure of satisfaction: to solve it, God appointed the priest as arbiter and gave him the power to evaluate and impose penances (potentia arbitrandi et taxandi).
Third part
The final part deals with the amorosa receptio patris. It opens with a complex exemplum taken from the Gesta Romanorum (the story of the son of Alexander the Great, who revolted against his father – a story whose moral interpretation was already based on the parable of the prodigal son). The reaction of the father of the parable points out that God goes to the penitent rapidly (velociter), embraces him sweetly (dulciter), and dresses him nobly (nobiliter). Here, the sermon discusses prevenient grace and its accord with the human responsibility in the process of conversion. Grace is compared with the sun that shines but illuminates only those who open the doors, or with the indulgence that the pope offers to everybody but that are acquired only by those who go to Rome (17N). In the text, remains some tension between the free gift of God and human initiative, whose importance is clearly outlined by emphasising the importance of the first step taken by the prodigal son: «The father would not have come to the prodigal son along the way, if the son had not said before: I will rise and go to the father» («Non enim pater prodigo venisset obviam penitenti, si non prius dixisset: Surgam et ibo ad patrem»; 17N). Still, the sermon clarifies that it is not the penitent’s action that provokes and obtains grace, which remains a gift that is given «after this disposition but not because of this disposition» («post quam [contritionem] non propter quam deus vult dare gratiam»; 17N).
Next, it turns to the spiritual theme of the love relationship between God and the soul [spiritual marriage]. The kissing of the father is connected with the kisses mentioned in the Song of Songs and opens the way for a first person discourse of the beloved soul: «The embrace and the kisses are signs of peace and love. […] The soul, bride of Christ, habitually longs for this greatly blessed and mostly beloved kiss; she longs with great desire and frequent sighs and repeats with the Song of Songs: Let him kiss me with kisses of his mouth (1,1), so that she could rejoice and be delighted. As if the soul would say: ‘My mostly beloved groom Jesus, for whose love I am languishing, might give me those grace and mercy that I am longing for with the whole depths of my heart, and might comfort me with the sweetness of his piety and of his divine benediction, so that I could return to life’» («Nam amplexus and oscula sunt signa pacis et amoris. […] Isto osculo superbenedicto et amantissimo magno desiderio et frequenti suspirio anima sponsa Christi appetere solet, et ut iocundetur et letetur dicere illud Cantico 1: Osculetur me osculo oris sui, quasi dicat: ‘Amantissimus sponsus meus Iesus, in cuius amore langueo, immittat mihi gratiam et misercordiam quam totis visceribus cordis desidero et confortet me dulcedine sue pietatis et divine benedictionis et reviviscam’»; 17O).
Playing on the contrast between the two brothers within the parable, the sermon then introduces a final question: whether God loves more the sinner who does penitence than the righteous person who has always been so («queritur an deus plus diligit peccatorem penitentem quam iustum semper benefacientem»; 17R). The discriminating factor is the fervour, so a penitent can surpass a righteous person (examples are Mary Magdalene and Paul). The elder brother of the parable symbolises those who are righteous but tepid (cf. Revelation 3,15). Still, this is not the rule. The sentence of the Gospel that «there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance» (Luke 15,7) applies only to few special cases, while the supreme joy of heaven is indeed reserved for those who did not need to convert, first of all the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist.
... goes against his merciful nature (17D). Dealing with
, the sermon provides the listeners with a formulary...
T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere
Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
On the basis of the pericope of the prodigal son, accusetaion of justice against the sinner are: prodigality and carnal iniquity ("Hodie ante tribunal Christi assurgit iustitia dicens: “O iudex tu dixisti: iniquos odio habui. Ecce presento tibi istum iniquum peccatorem vinctum et ligatum. Emitte odium tuum super eum et iudica; quod ut citius facias accuso eum ex duobis et primo de bestiali prodigalitate, secundo de carnali iniquitate"). Once the sinner asked for mercy, mercy instructs him to recognize his own iniquity and the divine majesty – both on the basis of the confession of the prodigal son in Gospel: “Primo, o peccator, recognosce tuam iniquitatem et clama peccator: Pater, peccavi in celo et coram te. Secundo, o peccator recognosce divinam maiestatem et clama: Non sum dignus vocari filius tuus” (f. 43v)
... iniquity and the divine majesty – both on the basis of the
of the prodigal son in Gospel: “Primo, o peccator,...
T24/2 Monday after Palm Sunday
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
Using an analogy with Aristotelian natural and violent motions, it is shown how the human works, if done with free will, are more fruitful and more praiseworthy than those done out of necessity or obligation 39Z. In the same way, Christ's redemption was accomplished without constraint and by his will, with an increasing dedication from his childhood until martyrdom. 40AQuestio: whether soldiers who fight for the common good are to be considered virtuous. The answer is affirmative: those who fight for justice exercise the cardinal virtue of fortitude, as opposed to those who fight for revenge, who commit sin. Just as a painted man resembles, but is not, a man, likewise those who act virtuously only in a fictitious manner are not strong, nor do they exercise the virtue of fortitude. Such dissimulation manifests itself on three occasions:
- Those who fight out of recklessness of danger because they are emboldened by previous victories or overconfident in their military skills.
- Those who fight under the impulse of sadness or anger.
- Those who fight to acquire temporal goods or dignities.
40BQuestio: whether spiritual people lack the virtue of fortitude, since they cannot bear arms or shed blood. The answer is negative, since clergymen fight a spiritual battle bearing spiritual weapons (tears, prayers) against the (carnal) traps of the devil: “Iustorum fortitudo est carnem vincere, propriis voluptatibus contraire, delectationem presentis vite extinguere”.
First part
Jesus went to Bethany and dined at the house of Simon the Leper together with Martha and Lazarus of Bethania to refresh people's memory about the miracle of Lazarus' resurrection. 40C Participation in the communal table is a sign of love. As the episode of the Samaritan woman (John 4) manifests, enemies neither drink nor eat together. Likewise, Christians must not eat with Jews since they are enemies of Christ. Moreover, a banquet is more insidious than a conversation, since it is easier to deceive between meals, as happened to Herod in the episode of the beheading of John the Baptist. 40D Here the preacher introduces an exhortation to believe by faith and to accept preaching.
“Ad hunc igitur sincerissimum amicum anime recipiendum ad pulsationem eius statim sine mora persona devota debet ancillas tres scilicet:
Fidem mittere ut ianuam cordis aperiat.
Spem substituere ut cenam et locum disponat.
Caritatem dirigere ut fercula apponat”.
The theme of the banquet symbolizes the reception of Christ in the soul, with the help of the three handmaidens: faith, hope, and charity.
1.1. About faith (40E). Without faith it is impossible to please God; indeed, the virtues of philosophers and the sacrifices of Jews and pagans are sterile without it and do not lead to eternal life: “Hec cum sola est fecunda filia Dei [i.e. fides] vivam prolem procreans, sine qua omnes alie virtutes steriles sunt et abortiva producunt”. The same possibility of procreating a child was made possible for Sarah and Abraham by the latter's faith in the promise of God (Genesis 15). 40F The sermon addresses two doubts: a) If faith precedes charity in the natural order; b) If faith is the virtue that leads to eternal life because it precedes charity. 40G The answers are formulated based on the concepts of formless faith and faith formed by charity (fides caritate formata).
1.2. 40H About hope. After Christ has been received as a guest, through faith and charity, the believer will firmly trust in his Word, and must therefore hope that what one does for Christ will be rewarded with the inestimable prize of eternal life. One would wash the feet of Christ [as Mary Magdalene in the pericope of the day] by realising how, by sinning he/she has driven the divine guest out from his dwelling; by repenting, one wets the feet of Christ with tears and, through the admonitions of the handmaid Hope, begins his/her own good works, clothing the needy and not shunning anyone from his table. Reference to Matthew 25.40: “Quicquid uni ex fratribus meis minimis fecistis mihi fecistis”. 40I No one should hope for or expect the eternal life except those who do good works, for hope consists in the certain expectation of future eternal beatitude by the grace of God and by the merits gained beforehand: who is not deserving, must receive nothing.
1.3. About charity [which has been indeed discussed together with faith]. Charity must handle the courses at Christ's banquet. They must be prepared with love so that they will have flavour: “Tolle caritatem et odium tenet”. The sermon introduces a further subdivision:
“Debet ergo Caritas Christo primo offerre: 1) Gressibilia per sedulitatem operacionis. 2) Aquatica per sinceritatem religionis. 3) Altilia per suavitatem contemplationis”.
The first course will be the meat of the earthly animals, symbolising the Christian's work of obeying the Ten Commandments. Clear and pure wine must be added to this course, symbolising the intention to fulfil the divine precepts due to filial respect and not servile fear. Can one have access to eternal life without faith? Christ answers that anyone who wants to be saved must put the Catholic faith before any other (Athanasius). To the question whether then Abraham and Isaac, who kept the commandments, were condemned, the answer is negative, since they had faith infused in their spirit and believed beforehand in Christ’s coming.
The second course will be fish, symbolising the adversities in which the perfect people must 'swim', since “Deus solum illos quos amat castigat” (cf. Revelation 3.19). This course will be accompanied by red wine, the symbol of Christ's Passion. Can one enter the Kingdom of heaven without adversity? Christ answers that only through great tribulations one can gain access (cf. Acts of the Apostles 14).
The third course will be noble poultry meat [birds], as symbol of extraordinary achievements and of following the consilia of Christ [Evangelical counsels], not common to all people but only to the most perfect. This course will be accompanied by aromatic wine (claretum), symbol of joy.
Second part
The sermon reprises the biblical episode of Christ's supper with Lazarus and Magdalene. The theme of the separation of the soul from the body is presented, with a comparison between what Lazarus of Bethania experienced and what Christ would experience. 40K Discussion on the value of the anointing of Jesus by the Magdalene and the gifts sent by Jacob to his brother Esau (Genesis 32): It is only through the 'hidden' works of piety and almsgiving towards the poor that we can atone for the sins that anger God against us. Thus, aware of her own guilt, the Magdalene appeased Jesus through anointing (40L).
“De quibus operibus pietatis hodie proponitur unum de unctione. Debemus et nos Christum de receptis beneficiis spiritualiter inungere triplici nobili unguento scilicet: 1) Dolentis contritionis. 2) Gementis compassionis. 3) Ferventis devotionis”.
2.1. The ointment of sorrowful contrition is portrayed by depicting the preparation of the ointment using the vile herbs, symbols of sins born of evil intentions and collected in one's conscience. The ointment produced from this juice will be curative for mortal wounds and will cleanse the sinful soul and satisfy God in face of the offences committed. Exemplification through the episode in which Judith washed and anointed herself with myrrh. 40M Several questions are discussed, namely whether a confession without bitter repentance and without the intention not to sin again can be allowed; what is the relationship between the greatness of sin and the purity of contrition and, finally, (40N) whether the intensity of pain can be excessive in contrition.
2.2. The second ointment (40O) is to be prepared from bitter herbs in memory of the bitter Passion of Christ. These are to be gathered from the garden of the Church, where the weaknesses of poor Christians abound. The ointment is likened to that used by the Good Samaritan to heal wounds (Luke 10.34); theme of compassion for one's neighbour.
2.3. The third ointment (40P) of fervent devotion is produced from the noble and salutary plants that are the works of God's piety and especially the bitter and salvific death of Christ. It is represented as the ointment used by Mary Magdalene [the pericope of the day].
Third part
The invective of Judas against Mary Magdalene's actions is discussed (40Q) . He is moved by avarice although he claims to be interested in the poor. A warning is thus given about the danger of detractors of the righteous (detractio), who disguise their intentions under the guise of charity and piety. The concept of infidelity is analysed in three points:
“Infedelitas autem ut in plurimum in tribus solet comitti, scilicet: 1) Fractione promissionis. 2) Deceptione commissionis. 3) Suppletione omissionis”.
3.1. Discussion on those who break their word, with some cautions to be taken against the treacherous. 40R As positive exemplum, the myth of Damon and Pythias exemplify the values of trust and friendship. 40S It is stated that falsity reigns everywhere, making every human action unsafe. Similar to a wolf are those who in times of trouble invoke God and the saints but, once freed from danger, forget their promises. Not keeping one’s word, particularly towards the deity, is exemplified through the myth of Hercules and Laomedon, narrated by Ovid40T. Questio on which is the greater obligation between an oath and a vow.
3.2. The second type of infidelity manifests itself whenever one performs a duty (commissio). Rare are the faithful servants who spend faithfully and without personal profit the master’s goods (cf. Luke 12). Various are the types of unfaithfulservants and administrators:
- those who rob their master;
- guardians and curators who disperse the assets of pupils and, similarly, procurators of churches and monasteries, tax officials, etc. Two virtuous exampla of administrators are presented: the consul Lucius Valerius (Agostine, De Civitate Dei) and Joseph (patriarch) (Genesis 41);
- the fraudulent. Exemplum (Augustine in De Trinitate) of the mime who identifies the desire to buy cheaply and sell dearly as what accomunate all his spectators: “Vile vultis emere et care vendere” (40Y). Questio: whether it is possible to resell at an increased price what one has bought. Distinction between the sale of objects that required additional work and speculation; those who speculate are liked to the merchants driven out of the temple by Jesus.
3. The third infidelity (40Z) consists in deprivation, especially regarding restitution of fraudulent gains, not returned goods, or partial restitutions. Questio: whether one who has been damaged in the body should be compensated. Distinction between irreparable and curable damage (with references to the lex talionis). 41AQuestio: Whether one should be rewarded if one is damaged in the goods of the soul (inclining to sin). 41B Discussion of three modes of defamation, according to Duns Scotus.
... 40M Several questions are discussed, namely whether a
without bitter repentance and without the intention...
T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
Parallel between illness and sin: one has to remember the sins and present them now to the physician of the soul, without waiting the final judgment when they will be recalled in front of everyone. “Debemus ergo stimulo peccatorum in coscientia cum centurionem Christum invocare” (note the use of plural person). The servant ill at home is the soul wounded by sins in the body that is unable to move, i.e. to perform good works [1U].
Three questiones
“Queritur utrum aliquid peccatum mortale sit ita grave quod per dei misericordiam non possit deleri” [1X]. All type of mortal sin can be forgiven by the divine mercy in this life. It follows the interpretation of the biblical passage on the sin against the Holy Spirit.
“Queritur secundo an sit aliquid peccatum ita leve quod absque dei misericordia possit removeri” [1Y]. Every sin is against God, so even the allegedly lesser sin cannot be forgiven without divine mercy, i.e. it needs the previous intervention of grace, which provokes contrition in conscience: “offensa non remittitur nisi per gratiam que causat benignitatem contritionis in coscientia”.
“[Queritur] tertio an unum peccatum mortale sine alio per dei gratiam possit removeri” [1Z]. No mortal sin can be forgiven if other equal sin remains, since the divine grace is incompatible with it. The confession of sins needs to be complete.
Divisio (see above)
First part
First “circa literam” (postil to the pericope) and then moraliter: the servant becomes the soul of a friend in Purgatory (“designari potest amicus defunctus cuiuslibet fidelis viventis [...] quod ut miser in purgatorio detinetur et torquetur”; 2A). In particularly, one must suffrage for the souls of his parents for three reasons:
Familiaritatis et caritatis, quia puer sive servus;
Debilitatis, quia iacet paraliticus;
Penalitatis, quia male torquatur.
1.1 Natural exempla: storks take care of their old parents, covering them with their fathers and feeding them; other birds protect those hit by the sun, with a ¬a fortiori reasoning, “quantomagis homines” need to provide for the relatives and friends in Purgatory with prayer and almsgiving [2B]. Note the use of the first-person plural, inclusive and parenetic. Four types of suffrages: the offer of priests, the prayer of saints, the alms of friends, the fasting of relatives. The power of the mass for the deaths is underlined, referring an exemplum by Gregory the Great: “volens igitur parentes et amicos celeriter a vinculis purgatori liberari faciat pro eis missas celebrari” [2C]. Shorter on almsgiving [2E].
1.2 Weakness of the souls in Purgatory, since they cannot gain merit and help themselves. Within the mystical body of the Church, one can benefit another.
1.3 Are the pain in purgatory superiors to those on earth? Yes.
Second part
Centurion’s humility, and the goods that derive from it:
patris [celestis] furorem placare
hominem a dyabolo liberare
donum gratie abundanter procreare
2.1. Humility is effective against divine wrath, as a plant able to bow resists to the strongest winds. Fable of the oak and the reed by Aesop: “Propter quod fabulose dicitur [...] inter quercum et arundinem”. Oak is rigid and strong, it does not flex (no humility), is broken by the wind and asks the reed how it survived. In the same way happens in front of the divine wrath one has to humiliate itself opposing no resistance; exemplum of Socrates and the tyrant [2I].
2.2. The devil has no power on humble people: they are like small fishes that escape from his net [2K]. Reference to the example (figura) of Hezekiah discussed by the epistle of the day.
2.3. Divine grace is like water, which flow towards and fill in the lower places. Example is the humility of the Virgin Mary that became “full of grace”. In the same way, Abraham and the centurion.
Third part
Firm faith is the radix, the foundation of every good (“firma fides vel credulitas est fundamentum omnins boni”), since it is said: Iustus ex fide vivit (Galatians 3:11). From faith:
Peccatorum remissionem
Demoniorum confusionem
Optatorum consecutionem
3.1. From faith the remission of sins. Different ways to believe: credere deo, credere deum, credere in deum (i.e. “credendo in eum tendere cum amore”; 2L).
3.2. Faith chases devils away. Reference to “Papias in exphositione super Iuvenalem” (Juvenalis): the shield given to Achilles descends from the sky, which symbolizes Christ who descends from heaven to preach the faith, identified with the shield [2N].
3.3. How faith allows to reach the desired goals is demonstrated by an exemplum about Alexander the Great: “narrat magister in hystoriis quod cum Alexander magnus venisset ad montem Caspios...”
... since the divine grace is incompatible with it. The
of sins needs to be complete. - Divisio (see above)...
T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum
Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
Craftsmanship (ars) fixes the defects of nature (candle, stairway, ship...). There are three periods in history: ante legem, sub legem, tempus gratie. The law is like a craftsmanship (ars) that corrects the defects of [postlapsarian] nature and a figure of grace. References to the thema: Christ comes in the latest phase of history and the ship connects first with the Virgin Mary (allegory) and then with penance (moral interpretation): “vel navis designat penitentiam que nos de periculis mundi in sero huius temporis potest deducere ad portum salutis” (3K).
Two quaestiones (quaestio), connected with the two interpretations.
Access to divine mercy. Christ is the source, yet the Virgin Mary is “quasi singularem imperatircem”. On the cross, Christ entrusted John to his mother, she is the only one who kept the faith, so to her he entrusted the Church (i.e. the ship): “ideo nunc habeas curam de ea cum filio quem tibi committo, ut navis ecclesie tua misericordia gubernetur” (3L). The divine mercy is received in the Church, through the Virgin.
Is penancein extremis salvific? Penance needs to be true, that in extremis is risky since free will and deliberate conscience can be absent: “debet esse voluntaria et propter deum”, while there is the risk that it is motivated only by fear of eternal pain (“propter timorem pene”). It is also difficult to change nature (as an Ethiopian or a leopard do not change colour...). Yet, true penance is always salvific, also at the last moment (exemplum of Manasseh, 2 Chronicles 33). During this life, nobody should despair – but for this reason, no one has to postpone repentance.
First part
Necessity to watch (symbolized by the disciples working during the night on the boat) to protect oneself from the persecutor, i.e. the devil. Four vigils during the night symbolize different types of good works connected with different symbolic birds: first, the works of contrition and penance - brief discussion on confession, with the exemplum of the peacock; second, works of sanctification (comparison with the sparrow); third, works of compassion and mercy (associated with the crane); works of devotion (Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat; Ct 5), is the contemplation, exemplified by the nightingale (philomena).
Second part
Importance of the presence of Christ, pilot (gubernator) of ship that has to cross the dangerous sea of this world. In the Gospel, he invites to trust him: Confidite, ego sum, nolite timere”. Three types of people need to trust him.
incipientes quos informat ne pereant
proficientes quis confortat ut compleant
perfecti quos conservat ut permaneant [3S]
2.1. The beginners are those who begins the penance by putting the boat on the sea. Yet, as soon as one wants to make penitence, he is assaulted by pirates, symbol of pleasure (“obviat pyrata infernalis vento voluptatis”): depending on his character, they cause bad thoughts, stop him, capture him (3S). Long exemplum of Ulysses and Circe, referring to Boethius. In the moral interpretation, the transformation in beasts is connected with social sins, while Ulysses symbolizes the person who wins through the power of reason and by smelling the flower given to him by the queen of Troy - i.e. Christ which is given to a person by the Virgin Mary - and begins to do penance (3T).
2.2. Those half way are in the middle of the ocean and can be affected by sloth, lose the initial energy and relax too much, thinking that is natural to eat, drink, sleep, and make themselves comfortable – i.e. a relaxation in the ascetic effort. Sloth and laziness are the wind against, which is sent by the devil. Reference to the fable of the sirens mentioned by poets (“de quo in fabulis poetarum recitatur..”; 3V]), first in general, and then in connection with Ulysses “ut recitat Alexander in cincillario poesis” (?). Interpretation: syrens (the devil) want to move someone away from the commitment to navigation; Ulysses closing the ears of his fellows means to control the five senses; the mast of the ship is the Cross (3X).
2.3. The perfect people must be careful, since the perils increase getting close to the port, particularly the storms. Particularly dangerous is the spiritual pride and the poison of vainglory as well as to trust in oneself and in its merits (merit), for instance by recalling the good works done, while instead one has to trust only in Christ. The nautical imagery is prolonged with the story of the sea monster that becomes like a island, on which the sailors land, tying their ship to it and when they kindle a fire to cook, the monster awakes and sinks dragging them with itself. The monster symbolizes the world, due to its instability (instabilitas) and its being covered in mud by sins; the perfecti sometime stop to worry about the world, trust to much in themselves, and are suddenly overwhelmed by it (3Y).
Third part
Miracles of Christ and his curative nature (he is compared with plants such as the pomegranate and with gems). In the Gospel, the people is cured by touching his garment. He has a triple garment (symbolism of clothes):
3.1. Purplish (purpurea), symbolo of the blood of his Passion - several biblical references – which can be touched by means of meditation.
3.2. Golden, i.e. the splendour of his virtues, which can be touched through imitation (imitatio).
3.3. The third garment of Christ was the womb of the Virgin Mary, which is ‘multicolour’: “istud vestimentum est stragulatum, vulgariter: gestryffelt” [note the vernacular expression]. Biblical reference: “Stragulatam vestem fecit sibi; bissus et purpura indumentum eius” (Proverbs 31:22). This leads to a Marian ending of the sermon, where each colour of the womb is connected with a virtue: plauenus = patience (which needs to be lined with joy: “istud vestimentum nihil valet nisi infuteratum, illa fuderatura est letitia ut leta sit patientia”; 3Z); candid = virginity; purplish = love (caritas)
... works of contrition and penance - brief discussion on
, with the _exemplum_ of the peacock; second, works...
T18/4 Ash Wednesday
Vicent Ferrer
Penance as the most needed things (“precipue necessarium”) for the remission of sin and to enter the heavenly kingdom (f. o5r). It is the raft (tabula) to which one has to hold on firmly, after the shipwreck of the perfect ship (the baptism), since only the Virgin Mary was able to cross the perilous see of the world with it. Indeed, the dangers of the sea are so many that everybody sink and need to hold on to the raft of the penance.
Double shipwreck: general (all us) in the original sin, for which there are two rafts (baptism and penance); personal in the sin after the baptism, for which only penance represent a salvific raft.
Divisio thematis (see above)
First point: Fasting (link with 40 days of Lent) to follow Christ’s example. It requires patience for those who are not used to it. One need to resist its symptoms (stomach cramps, headache) and not to fly away as some soldier earing the crossbows’ whistles at the beginning of the battle. it requires also patience for the others, in particular for those who prepare the food (the wife), since impatience makes lose the merits of fasting: “si sit coctum nimis vel minus bene paratum sustine patienter, et non proiicias scutellam uxori ad caput, ut faciunt aliqui miseri qui perdunt totum meritum ieiunii” (f. o5v).
Three questions:
a) Christ fasted only one for 40 days; why must a Christian fast during Lent all the years? Christ’s fasting was absolute and, in the reminder of his life, he ate as the Christians during Lent (“solum semel in die comedere, non carnes, nisi de agno pascali ut legem adimpleret”). Our Lent takes the number of days from Christ’s fasting in the desert, and yet it follows his everyday style of fasting. b) Eight categories are exempted from Lenten fasting: 1) women who are pregnant; 2) women breastfeeding; 3) sick people; 4) beggars “qui non possunt habere vel vix caules cum oleo”; 5) who travels by foot; 6) workers who have a hard work (“laboratores ut fossores, fabri”) and needs to feed their family with it – yet not “sutores et sartores notarii et similes qui sedendo faciunt opera sua non excusantur”; 7) pueri, i.e. young people until 21 (until their third septenarium), since they need food to grow – Ferrer suggests a gradual progression: 7/8 years old can fast on the Good Friday; 11/12 years old at least one a week); 8) old people, depending on their condition – an eighty years old in good shape must fast. c) Is it possible to exchange the fasting with alms giving or another penitential work? Without permission no, since it would go against obedience to the Church precepts. Yes with the prelates’ consent (and the doctor’s opinion).
Second point: Prayer = anoint the head. The head is Christ, the prayer – as an ointment – softens him towards sinners. Quotation of Bernard of Clairvaux: “Oratio deum ungit, lachrima pungit”. Reference to the parable of the unforgiving debtor (Matthew 18:21-35), since “we are all debtors”. on the way to anoint Christ, reference to Mary Magdalen.
Third point: One needs to wash the face of the soul, which is the conscience, by means of the sacramental confession. Reference to Naaman story (“et nota breviter historiam…”). Leprosy has seven characteristics linked with the seven capital sins (scheme: SALIGIA), hence Naaman had to wash himself seven times in the Jordan (2 King 5) – it means that one is purified by the judgment of the confession.
Final exhortation: “Modo scitis in quibuis operibus debetis hoc tempus sanctum expendere”
... it means that one is purified by the judgment of the
. - Final exhortation: “Modo scitis in quibuis operibus...
T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum
Vicent Ferrer
True conversion only due to God’s direct intervention («Sine me, nihil potestis facere»; John 15.5). This is true for the whole humanity, which was as an hospital full of people sick of incurable diseases, «propter quod de studio paradisi venit ille magnus medicus practicare et infirmos curare». The same is true for each sinful soul. Since the topic is complex (subtilis), the preacher explains it with using a medical simile by pointing out the seven actions that a doctor performs:
«Primo facies inspicitur
Secundo pulsus tangitur
Tertio urina attenditur
Quarto dieta precipitur
Quinto syropus immittitur
Sexto purgatio tribuitur
Septimo refectio conceditur» (f. o7r).
1) Christ switches on the lamp of mercy and sheds light on the conscience (the face), so that one might know his/her sins. The example is that of the denial of Peter, who was called back by the crow of the rooster. The roster symbolises the preacher, since he shakes his wings (i.e. avoids sins and lives an exemplary life) and crows when the end of the night is close.
2) Checking the pulse = contrition. The five fingers of Christ’s hand are: fear, pain, loss, injury against God, angels and saints’ enmity.
3) Urine = confession, since it shows which is the illness: «Confessio est sicut urinale in quo urina peccatoris fetens ab interiori existens ostenditur confessori». The urinal needs to be clean, i.e. the confession needs to be clear and full. The confession must not expose the sins of other people (if the sin involves people that the priest might know, one needs to remain vague in the details), since one must «servare famam alterius in confessione». The confessor needs to be meek.
4) Diet = penance, which needs to fit with the specific sins.
5) Syrup = prayer, since it is sweet and one need to have it both on the morning and on the evening, mixed with warm water, i.e. with tears of repentance.
6) Purge = restitution and remission of injuries («non enim dimittitur peccatum nisi restituatur ablatum»).
7) Refection, after the purge one receives a light type of meat – in the penitential process this is the eucharist (yet, not before one performed the restitution!).
... against God, angels and saints’ enmity. 3) Urine =
, since it shows which is the illness: «Confessio est...
T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum
Osvât Laskai (Osvaldus de Lasko)
Peter received this name after his confession of faith in Christ, which made him the foundation of the Church. The Church will not be wrong on faith and moral teaching necessary for salvation, yet it can be wrong on other things: "In aliis autem non pertinentibus ad fidem et falli et errare potet" (f. k4v).
Three types of ecclesia: 1) the ecclesia malignantium (Psalm 1); 2) the militant Church, i.e. catholic, "non sicut latibula hereticorum"; 3) the triumphant Church. The sermon will deal with the second one.
First part
The unity of the Church is proved in five ways: auctoritates; rationes; similitudines; revelationes; confutationes. The main emphasis is on the key concept that there is no salvation outside the Church (extra ecclesia nulla salus). Talking of the rationes, to explain the principle of non-contradiction, the sermon compares the different positions among religions (Jews and Islam - or rather: mahumetici and saracini), which cannot be both true. Only one is the true faith. And it points out that it is normal to persecute the religious dissent more than normal crime: “immo plus persequitur dissentientes quam fures et latrones” (f. k5v). As main simile, the sermon refers to the mystical body, with references to key passages of the apostle Paul. Interesting annotation on the fact that the body of the Church is in three places (world, purgatory, heaven), connecting them with the division of the host in three parts during the mass: the part put in the chalice symbolizes the soul already inebriated in heaven: “Sic christi corpus seu ecclesia est in triplici loco, scilicet in hoc mundo, in purgaotrio, et in celo. Ad quod significandum sacerdos in missa dividit corpus chirsti in tres partes. Per illam enim quam mittit in calice significat eos qui sunt in celo inebriati ab ubertate domus dei” (f. k5v). As revelation, the sermon briefly refers to an episode of the legend of saint Cecilia.
Key subsection
With a new subdivision, the confutationes form the real body of the sermon, occupying half of the text. The confutation of mistakes is evidently crucial for this preacher.
“Nam contra unitatem ecclesie sancte tres errores insurgunt:
primus error est naturalium philosoforum;
secundus est superborum et malorum christianorum;
tertius est fere omnium paganorum” (f. k6r)
Particularly developed is the confutation of the position of natural philosophers on the divine mercy that would save people in any religion/confession: “probare contendunt quod deus omnes homines ex sua bonitate salvat existentes in diversis ritibus et sectis”. The rebuttal insists on the necessary balance in God between mercy and justice.
The third mistake contrasted is that not only of pagans but also of the most simple Christians, who are puzzled by the fact that God would save only those in one faith and condemn all the other nations: “Tertius error contra contra ecclesie sacre unitatem fere omnium paganorum et etiam simplicium christianorum dicitur error admirationis dicentium: ‘O quammirum esset si deus solummodo sub una fide existentes salvaret alias omnes nationes dannaret’” (f. k7r). The reply is based on the Gospel passages on the few who are saved (“multi sunt vocati, puaci vero electi”; Matthew 22:14) and the narrow and difficult road to the eternal life (Matthew 7:14) and that the people outside the Church have no excuses and one will get according to his/her merit.
The final observation that half of the world is occupied by infidels introduces a long digression on the other half, occupied by ten groups (nationes) of Christians, yet only nominally: “Nam fere media hominum pars est infidelis. Sub nomine autem christiani quasi alia media pars est qua dividitur in decem nationes, scilicet Latinos, Grecos, Indios, Iacobitas, Nestorianos, Maronitas, Armenos, Georgianos, Surianos, Mozarabes” (f. k7rv). It follows a sort of geopolitics of faith, with a brief description of each groups, noting some characteristics of them – and generally condemning the non-Latin Christians all as heretics. Saying, for instance, that the Greeks are only nominally Christians, now under the political control of Turks - list of their three key theological errors: procession of the Holy Spirit; refuse of church of Rome as chief; purgatory. The Indians are those most numerous, and somehow favourably described (mentioning the practice of carrying two crosses in front of them when they go into battle). About the Jacobites, it is mentioned their practice of the circumcision and the impression of the sign of the cross on their front and body (“qui circunciduntur et baptizantur, cum ferro ignito caracterem crucis imprimunt in fronte et aliis partibus corporis ut in pectore vel brachiis"). After mentioning the Maronites (who are placed in Libya) and the Armenians (on the latter, notations on the singing of liturgy in their own language and , about the Georgians it is said that they are a strong people, in which also women are fighters (“et eorum femine utuntur armis sicut viri” – reference to Amazons?). The Syrians have the same positions of the Greeks against Latins. On the Mozarabs interesting notations on their liturgy: “Decima natio Mozarabes dicuntur quia modos christianorum de Arabia tenentur in multis et utuntur lingua latina in officiis divinis et obediunt ecclesie Rhomane, sed in multis discrepant, quia habent horas valde prolixas et faciunt tot horas divini officii quot sunt hore naturales diei cum hymnis et psalmis; et [est?] natio valde devota: in matrimonio non coniungunt nisi nationi sue gentis, inter quos femina amisso marito primo nunquam coniungit alteri” (f. k7v). While the description of the different nations of Christians reveals different degrees of sympathy, the final evaluation is extremely harsh: “Et isti omnes similiter cum infidelibus damnantur”.
Taking the cue from the description of the different type of Christians, the sermon introduces a digression on their presence at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, where – a part the Observant Franciscans who have the proper custodia of the Sepulchre – there are eight type of heretics in a sort of Babylon of languages (“sunt octo diversa genera hereticorum diversas linguas habentium adeo quod nullus intelligit alium”).
The section ends with a sorrowful address to the Church: “O igitur sancta ecclesia unica sponsa Christi! O Sancti Spiritus congregatio gratiosa/ [...] O quam multi sunt in te solo nomine et extra te ipsa re [...] Ergo hi ibunt in infernum, ubi nullus ordo est sed sempiternus horror inhabitat ubi cruciabuntur in secula seculorum” (f. k8r).
Second part
The power of the Church (potestas) is connected with the image of the keys, which rapidly becomes a discourse on the potestas ordinis of the priesthood, since priests have the following powers: to forgivesin; to change the pains (from those of purgatory to satisfaction); to consecrate the Eucharist; excommunication; holy orders; indulgence (this only the pope) – which however require to be ready to receive it. This section ends again with an address to the Church and a treat agains sinners: “O potestas ecclesie spiritualis quam magna es...” (f. k8r)
... divine mercy that would save people in any religion /
: “probare contendunt quod deus omnes homines ex sua...