Invitation to rejoice in the resurrection of Christ and to have faith in the resurrection of humans.
Divisio (see above)
1) First part: three (pre)figurations of Christ resurrected:
1. Jonah (reference to Jonah 1-2): christological interpretation of the prophet Jonah (just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of the fish and then came out alive, so Jesus spent three days «in the belly of the earth and the stone [i.e. the tomb]» and then resurrected);
2. Samson (reference to Judges 16, 3): christological interpretation of Samson (just as Samson ascended the mountain with the two gates [i.e. body and soul], so Christ ascended with body and soul into heaven);
3. Not a figuration, but a prophecy (reference to Psalmi 107, 2).
2) Second part: the proof of the resurrection of Christ is provided by the words of several prophets:
1. Ipse morietur et sepulcrum eius erit gloriosum (quote from Isaiah 11, 10): the sepulcrum is called gloriosum because «he [scil. Jesus Christ] resurrected victoriously and gloriously»;
2. Suscitabo tabernaculum David, quod cecidit, et reedificabo aperturas murorum eius (quote from Amos 9, 11): the tabernaculum David is the body of Jesus Christ who resurrected without aperturas murorum eius, i.e. without the wounds of the crucifixion in the hands;
3. Ascendit leo de cubili suo (quote from Jeremiah 4, 7).
3) Third part: even the pagans understood by revelation the resurrection of Christ:
1. Scio quod redemptor meus vivit, et in ultimo die de terra surrectus sum et in carne mea videbo deum salvatore meum (quote from Job 19, 25-26): Job knows, by revelation, about the resurrection of Christ and of human beings.
2. Ipse vero ut leena consurget et quasi Leo erigetur, non accubabit donec devoret predam (Balaam’s words quoted from Numbers 23, 24);
3. Deus est circulus rotundus et decertatus (quote from Plato[?]): Christ is decertatus as he was fought by the Jews, etc.; Christ is a circulus rotundus because, like a circle, has his end in his beginning, i.e. after death he comes back to life.
With the resurrection of Christ the figurations, prophecies and words of the pagans are fulfilled (Oportebat impleri omnia que scripta sunt in prophetis et psalmis de me, quote from Luke 24, 44).
... Leo erigetur, non accubabit donec devoret predam_ (
’s words quoted from Numbers 23, 24); 3. _Deus est...