Triple interpretation of the name “Jesus” (reference to Jerome):
1. “Saviour”, because he saves and cleanses the human being from sins (reference to Matthew 1, 21);
2. “Salvation”, because he frees the human being from his enemies (reference to Luke 1, 71);
3. “Saving”, because he gives grace to the soul (reference to Psalms 50, 13);
4. “Saviour” (cf. supra), becuase he gives glory (reference to Genesis 49, 18).
Divisio (see above)
1) First part: the name of Jesus must be honoured since it was pre-nominated by God (quotes from Isaiah 45, 3 and 4; Psalms 71, 17); «When God formed the heavens, when he founded the earth, when he shaped Adam, he still imposed this name on his son: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!».
2) Second part: before the incarnation of Jesus, his name was foreshadowed and prophesied for a long time not only to the Jewish people, but also to the pagans (exemplum: the prophecy of the Erythraean Sibyl in the form of an acrostic, whose initial letters would form the name “Jesus” [reference to Augustine, De civitate Dei 18, 22].
3) Third part: the Angel was the first to announce the name of Jesus (quotes from Luke 1, 30-31 and Matthew 1, 20-21).
4) Fourth part: the apostles «preached, shouted and taught the name of Jesus» throughout the world; especially Paul, “in love with Jesus” («El [scil. Paul] me è uno vase di electione, adciò ch’el porti el mio nome inanci ad gli Regi et gente et figlioli de Ysrahel» [quote from Acts 9, 15]).
5) Fifth part: appeal to “sinners, thieves and dishonest scoundrels” to invoke the name of Jesus, which is the refuge of the penitent (« If a wicked man, a thief, a gambler, a murderer, who has never done any good, at the end of his life had no time to confess [...] but invoked the name of Jesus, then all his past and present sins would be forgiven as if the Pope and the cardinals had confessed him», because «“Whoever invokes the name of God, i.e. “Jesus”, will be saved [quote from Joel 2, 32]»). Invitation to have the name of Jesus often in one's heart and mind so that, in case of unforeseen dangers, one is accustomed to invoke this name («this is enough for the fulfilment of your salvation»).
... also to the pagans (_exemplum_: the prophecy of the
Erythraean Sibyl
in the form of an acrostic, whose initial letters would...