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Tag mercy
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Sermons that use this tag in their [DivisionE]

CodeLiturgical dayAuthorsDivision (English)
3/6/21 T20/2 Monday after Reminiscere Vicent Ferrer Christ manifests four utmost marvels about himself, namely: First, his temporal human nature; Second, his eternal divine nature [divinity of Christ]; Third, his authority to judge; Fourth, his universal mercy.  The faith rests on this fundation. And the thema speaks about the last one, since he wantes to humble himself in front of the Father's will.
1/2/9 T19/5 Thursday after Invocavit Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch] For what concerns the literal continuation of the Gospel, yesterday the Church thought how Christ reprimanded those who are stubborn and unbeliever, today how he welcomed the plea of the woman of Canaan due to her faith. And there are three main parts in this Gospel [pericope]. First, the exemplar exit of the redeemer, where it reads: Jesus went out. Second, the wonderful mercy of the saviour, where it reads: Behold, a woman of Canaan. Third, the devout praise of the creator, where it reads: O woman, great is your faith
1/2/23 T21/5 Thursday after Oculi Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch] For what concerns the continuation of the Gospel, yesterday was told how children must treat their parents, today how Christ does not cease to care for the sick out of his mercy. And according to this there are three parts of the Gospel: In the first part the remarkable change of location is noted, where it says: Jesus, standing up, from the synagogue. In the second the commendable compassion of Christ, where it says: But when the sun had set. In the third the renunciation of the wretched world, where it says: When the day had come.
1/2/10 T19/6 Friday after Invocavit Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch] For what concerns the Gospel and its proceeding, yesterday it was said how Christ granted the woman of Canaan who asked for mercy, today how mercifully he welcomed the request of a sinner. And according to it, in the presence Gospel pericope, three parts must be noted: First, the absolution/liberation of the sinner, and this is at the beginning [of the pericope]. Second, the healing of the infirmity of the body, where it reads: there was a certain man. Third, the criminal slander of envy, where it reads: it was Saturday.

Sermons that use this tag in their [Summary]

CodeLiturgical dayAuthorsContext: Summary
1/2/7 T19/3 Tuesday after Invocavit Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... thing done by God? Three possible answers: creation ;mercytowards sinners, which let them live and repent in...
... the incarnation did not occur earlier. 1.3. Christ’smercyasks to discuss whether God wants to save everybody...
... explanation of 1 Timothy 2.3 and argues for a balance betweenmercyand justice . This leads to the quaestio whether the...
9/0/1 T18/4 Ash Wednesday Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... asks for his condemnation, while the intervention ofmercyconvince the judge to postpone the verdict, saying...
... connotation in this context). The sinner in tears pleads formercyin front of Christ, and in his support steps up Mercy,...
3/6/17 T19/Sab Saturday after Invocavit Vicent Ferrer
...Passion and how it is determined by God’s overabundantmercy. Two secrets (_secreta_): why the transfiguration;...
3/6/18 T19/Sab Saturday after Invocavit Vicent Ferrer
... image of the inflexible justice to that of generousmercy: “In monte quadragesimali Christus transfiguratur...
1/2/18 T20/Sab Saturday after Reminiscere Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... and think of his actual extreme misery and the greatmercyof God the Father; he must lament and not rest until...
... mercy is the starting point for the conversion, yet,mercycannot be separated from justice . The listeners have...
9/0/2 T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... death and proclaming the intention to convert. So,mercystates that the accusation of justice are true, yet...
9/0/3 T18/6 Friday after Cinerum Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... f. 30r). In her claim, justice points out that todaymercy, her sister, shall not defend the sinner, since crudelity...
9/0/4 T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... defensione"). The sinner in tears ask for clemency. Once againmercypleads the judge to give her the possibility to correct...
9/0/16 T20/5 Thursday after Reminiscere Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... gulositate ciborum"; f. 41r)  Once the sinner asks formercy, _Misericordia_ addresses Jesus by saying: "O fons...
9/0/40 T24 Palm Sunday Johannes Nigri (Schwarz)
... [check]. The debate involves now not only justice andmercybut also peace and truth (i.e. the four 'sisters' mentioned...
1/1/2 T18/5 Thursday after Cinerum Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... All type of mortal sin can be forgiven by the divinemercyin this life. It follows the interpretation of the...
1/1/4 T18/Sab Saturday after Cinerum Johannes Gritsch [Conrad Grütsch]
... connected with the two interpretations. Access to divinemercy. Christ is the source, yet the Virgin Mary is “quasi...
3/6/8 T19/2 Monday after Invocavit Vicent Ferrer
... Sermon in these five points: simple innocence , widemercy, firm patience , true obedience , appropriate penance...

Collections that use this tag in their [Notes]

9 Quadragesimale 'ante tribunal Christi' 1466 Nuremberg Each day a sinner  is brought in front of the tribunal of Christ, where justice accuses him and mercy defends him (yet, with the agreement that he must learn from her and radically change his life). Final twist, in the last three sermons: the conflict between the two virtues (which involves also pax and veritas / peace and truth), Christ is brought in front of the tribunal of Justice, since his sacrifice will atone for the sins of the humanity. Description of the sermons is based on CLM 8825 The date of the collection is based on CLM 26834 (it is the manuscript followed by Schneyer 1350-1500). The attribution to Johannes Schwarz needs to be confirmed (he may be just the copyst...)
12 Quadragesimale de strepitu iuris - The title is indicated in the manuscript. The introduction explains the parallel between penance and trial. It introduces also the main charachters, namely: the accused is the sinner; the accuser (actor) is the devil; the witnesses is the conscience; the lawyer (advocatus) is mercy and the judge God.  Lenten sermon collection to be compared with the Quadragesimale ante tribunal Christi